To get the most out of Roots, we recommend making the following updates to set yourself up for success:
1. Turn off "Share Across Devices"
Go to iOS Settings > Screen Time > Share Across Devices
Turn this setting off on all iOS devices you use
This will ensure your reports are accurate and blocking works correctly.
2. Turn off any app limits or downtime in iOS
Go to iOS Settings > General > Screen Time
If you have any limits or downtime enabled, turn them off
This will help things run more smoothly.
3. Remove screen time permissions from other apps
Go to iOS Settings > General > Screen Time
Scroll down to "Apps with screen time access"
Turn off access for any apps besides Roots
Having multiple apps with screen time permissions enabled can lead to blocking issues.
4. Update to the latest version of iOS
Go to iOS Settings > General > Software Update
Update to the latest (non-beta) version
There are some bugs in the older iOS version that can lead to blocking issues.
5. Turn off "Low Power Mode"
As much as possible, turn off Low Power Mode
When Low Power Mode is enabled it can cause delay in blocking and unblocking
6. Exclude apps from Roots screen time reports
If there are certain apps you don't want to be included in your usage reports within Roots, you can exclude them (ex: baby monitors, navigation, etc)
Go to Roots Profile > Settings > Excluded Apps and add them here
Note: excluded apps can still be blocked in limits and downtime
7. Keep certain apps from being blocked (if applicable)
If there are app you know you always need access to and don't want Roots to block, please follow these instructions
Go to iOS Settings > Screen Time > Always Allowed
Add the apps you don't want to block here
Due to limitations in the Apple Screen Time API we cannot handle this directly in the Roots app
That's all! Please contact us if you have any issues at all. We'd be happy to help!