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Reorder Claims

Changing your claim order is simple, and we'll always keep claim numbering and claim references up-to-date with your changes.

Laura Berwick avatar
Written by Laura Berwick
Updated over a week ago

This article covers the following topics:

  • Reordering Claims in the Application Window

  • Reordering Claims in the Claim Tree Tool

Reordering Claims in the Application Window

  1. Select the claim or claims you want to move.

  2. Click the “Click to Move” icon to the upper left of any of your selected claims.

  3. Your selected claims will collapse into an icon that will follow your cursor.

  4. Scroll up or down in your claim set using the right-hand scroll bar, arrow keys, or your mouse’s scroll wheel.

  5. Upon hovering between the remaining claims, a gray “Move to” bar will appear.

  6. Click the insertion bar to drop your selected claim(s) into their new location.

    Numbering, dependency, and references will be updated to reflect your changes.

Reordering Claims in the Claim Tree Tool

  1. Click the Tools button in the toolbar and navigate to the Claim Tree tab if needed

    OR Open the Claim Tree from the Tools menu.

  2. Select desired claim(s) listing(s) by clicking, Ctrl/Cmd+clicking, or Shift+clicking.

  3. Click the Drag and drop to re-order icon to the left of the selected claim(s) and drag to the desired location.

    Numbering, dependency, and references will be updated to reflect your changes.

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