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Generate a Flowchart from Method Claim(s)
Laura Berwick avatar
Written by Laura Berwick
Updated over a year ago

This article covers the following topics:

  • Generate a Flowchart from Method Claims

  • Other Options for Flowchart Generation

  • Now What?

Generate a Flowchart from Method Claims

  1. Select your desired method claim.

    Note that only one claim can be selected for this operation, but if a dependent claim is selected, the generated flowchart will include steps for the independent parent claim elements.

  2. Select the Flowchart option from the Claims > Generate menu in the toolbar.

  3. A new figure sheet will be populated with your flowchart in the drawing tool, and basic description text will be added to the brief and detailed figure description sections.

Other Options for Flowchart Generation

You can also generate a flowchart using the option under the Specification > Generate from Selected Claims menu


the More Claims Options menu


the context menu that appears when you right+click a claim.

Now What?

  • Use the Drawing Tool stencils or claims panel to add additional flowchart steps.

  • Add descriptions and a controlling component to each step in the drawing tool.

  • Regenerate the default automatic description to update the specification as needed to reflect flowchart changes.

  • Type up your additional details in the section provided for your flowchart figure.

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