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Convert a Part Name to a Term

Terms are key to Rowan's time-saving benefits, so we make it easy to create them at any point in your process, like during part creation.

Laura Berwick avatar
Written by Laura Berwick
Updated over 2 months ago

This article covers the following topics:

  • How to Convert a Single Part Name to a Term

  • How to Convert a Set of Part Names to Terms

  • Now what?

How to Convert a Single Part Name to a Term

  1. Locate the part you wish to convert to a term in the Parts Panel in the left-hand sidebar of the Drawing Tool or a stencil associated with that part.

  2. Select the Convert to Term option from the menu available through the icon to the right of the part name in the Parts panel, the toolbar, the Element Info controls in the right-hand sidebar, or the on-canvas controls available when the stencil is double-clicked.

  3. Your part's part name will be converted to a term data object, shown with gray highlighting, and can be tracked and managed across your Rowan Patents .rp application.

    Note that if a part has been placed as a stencil on the drawing canvas, it can also be converted to a term using controls available to the right of the canvas when the stencil is selected.

How to Convert a Set of Part Names to Terms

  1. Locate the parts you wish to convert to terms in the Parts Panel in the left-hand sidebar of the Drawing Tool.

  2. Select all of the parts you wish to convert to terms.

  3. Select the Convert to Terms option from the multi-part operations menu available at the top of the parts panel.

  4. Part names for your selected parts will be converted to term data objects, shown with gray highlighting, and can be tracked and managed across your Rowan Patents .rp application.

Now what?

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