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Assign/Remove Part Data and Labels for a Figure Element

Rowan Patents is the only integrated drafting platform that lets you directly connect figure elements with trackable, referenceable parts.

Laura Berwick avatar
Written by Laura Berwick
Updated over 9 months ago

This article covers the following topics:

  • Assign Part Data to a Stencil or Connector Line

  • Apply an Independent Label to a Stencil or Connector Line

  • Remove Part Data Associated with a Stencil or Connector Line

  • Change Part Data Assigned to a Stencil or Connector Line

  • Now What?

Assign Part Data to a Stencil or Connector Line

  1. Select or add the desired stencil or connector line on the Drawing Tool canvas.

  2. Locate the part data and labeling fields in the Element Info controls in the toolbar or right-hand sidebar


    Double-click the stencil to bring up on-canvas part data and labeling controls.

    Note that connector lines are not provided with an on-canvas part data interface, and must be modified in the right-hand sidebar.

    Note also that connector lines may be numbered but will not display a text name or label unless the Show Label control is selected.

  3. If the element does not have a part number assigned, click the # to the left of the part name field and assign a new part number.

    Note that for simplicity the controls for this and the following steps are shown in the right-hand sidebar, but are available in the three locations described in Step 2.

  4. A new part will be created and assigned to the selected element.

    To assign an existing part to the element, see Change Part Data Assigned to a Stencil or Connector Line below.

    Note that once the element is associated with a part, the part number and name may also be modified in the Parts Panel.

  5. If the element does not have a part name assigned, click the part name field and type in a part name.

  6. Further updates to this part data, either in the toolbar, the right-hand sidebar, the on-canvas editor, or the Parts Panel will be reflected in your on-canvas element.

Apply an Independent Label to a Stencil or Connector Line

  1. Select or double-click the desired stencil or connector line to access part data and labeling controls, as shown above.

  2. Click to uncheck the Use Part Name as Element Label control.

  3. Delete the part name from the Element Label box.

    At this point, you can leave the label field blank if you simply wish to not display the part name.

  4. Enter your desired label text in the Element Label field.

  5. The element label will be used in the stencil or connecting line on your canvas.

    Note that part references in your application will continue to include the part name, NOT the label.

    Note that the label is applied only to the selected stencil or connector line. Other elements associated with the same part data will not be given this label unless manually updated as above.

  6. To return to using the part name instead of an independent label, click to re-check the Use Part Name as Element Label control.

Remove Part Data Associated with a Stencil or Connector Line

  1. Delete the part associated with the stencil or connector line from the Parts Panel


    Select or double-click the desired stencil or connector line to access part data and labeling controls, as shown above.

  2. Click the x next to the part number.

  3. The part number will no longer be associated with or appear on your on-canvas element.

    Part name data will now appear as the element label, and this text can be deleted from the Element Label field to remove it from your on-canvas element.

Change Part Data Assigned to a Stencil or Connector Line

  1. Select or double-click the desired stencil or connector line to access part data and labeling controls, as shown above.

  2. Click the number field to assign a new part number.

  3. Select the desired part from the list provided.

  4. Your on-canvas element will be associated with data for the selected part.

Now What?

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