Locate the part you wish to edit the plural form for in the Parts Panel in the left-hand sidebar of the Drawing Tool or select a stencil associated with that part.
Select the Edit Plural option from the menu available through the icon to the right of the part name in the Parts panel, the toolbar, the Element Info controls in the right-hand sidebar, or the on-canvas controls available when the stencil is double-clicked.
Click the Edit plural control in the dialog provided.
Type the desired plural form and click Save.
Note that to return to the auto-generated plural form, you can follow the steps above, and click the Auto-generate control provided.
Note that if a part has been placed as a stencil on the drawing canvas, its plural can also be edited using controls available to the right of the canvas when the stencil is selected.
Plural versions available for parts referenced in your application can be customized if needed. Here's how.

Written by Laura Berwick
Updated over 2 months ago