In the Drawing Tool, select the From Markdown option from the Import control dropdown in the toolbar or under the Drawing menu.
When prompted, select the text (.txt) file containing your script.
ActorA->ActorB: Solid line without arrow
ActorB-->ActorA: Dotted line without arrow
ActorA->>ActorB: Solid line with arrowhead
ActorB-->>ActorA: Dotted line with arrowhead
ActorA->ActorC: cross
%% this is a comment
note right of ActorA: note
The script Rowan Patents uses is based on Mermaid Markdown.
A sequence diagram based on your .txt script will be created as a new figure.
Sequence diagrams can be added to Rowan Patents by importing Markdown code in .txt format. Learn more here.

Written by Laura Berwick
Updated over a year ago