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Filter and Collapse Parts Panel Lists

Many figures and parts can make the Parts panel tedious to navigate. Here's how you can focus on exactly the parts you're working with.

Laura Berwick avatar
Written by Laura Berwick
Updated over a year ago

This article covers the following topics:

  • Filter Parts with the Filter Dropdown

  • Collapse Figure Parts Lists

Filter Parts with the Filter Dropdown

  1. Locate the filter dropdown at the top of the Parts panel.

  2. Click the dropdown and select from the options presented:

    1. All Parts (every part created by any action)

    2. Unplaced parts (parts that have no associated stencil on any figure canvas)

    3. Unplaced referenced parts (parts with no associated stencil, but that are referenced in the specification or claims)

    4. Duplicate parts (parts with the same number as other parts - only occurs when at least one figure list is manually numbered)

    Note that parts that are associated with a placed stencil, but are not referenced in your application text will be indicated in the Consistency Review tool.

    Note that these filters can be combined with multiple part selection to quickly complete operations for multiple parts, such as deleting all unplaced parts.

Collapse Figure Parts Lists

  1. Locate a figure parts list you wish to collapse in the Parts panel.

  2. Click the downward-pointing triangle to the left of the FIG. # heading to collapse that figure list.

  3. To re-expand a collapsed figure list, click the right-pointing triangle to the left of the FIG. # heading.

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