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File a NAT-statement

Read here how to easily file a NAT statement in five steps

Milou Hoebe avatar
Written by Milou Hoebe
Updated over 3 months ago

If you sell ornamental plants or flowers that are not charged through Royal FloraHolland, this is NAT trade (= out of auction trade). As a member, you are obliged to sell this trade through Royal FloraHolland.

Want to know what trade is considered NAT and what calculation rules apply in 2024?
Read:Explanation NAT statement 2024.docx

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File your NAT statement in five steps

Here you can read how to easily file your NAT statement in five steps.
In the right-hand column on the NAT page, you can enter your NAT turnover for 2024.
Select the NAT delivery date or the last date of the NAT period.

This date cannot be in the future. This date is for your own records and does not affect payment.

Enter the relevant NAT turnover amount excluding VAT in the 'Turnover NAT' entry field.
It is not currently possible to enter a 0 entry. This option will be available before the end of 2024.

Enter the relevant buyer or, for example 'house sale'.
If you enter a buyer registered with Royal FloraHolland, a drop-down field will appear as you type the name or number so you can be sure you are selecting the correct buyer.

You have the choice of specifying the statement per buyer or cumulatively as total turnover over a given period with the buyer's name 'unspecified'.

If you are dealing with a Non-SEPA buyer, this will be shown under the entry field after filling in the name or number.

For non-SEPA statements, you need to fill in the statement per buyer so that payment will automatically be processed correctly.

Under product type, select the relevant main product category under which the turnover is covered; cut flowers, plants or outdoor plants.

Finalise your NAT statement by clicking the "manual statement" button.

The NAT statement will appear directly in the NAT statement overview on the left side of the same page.

The NAT statement will be invoiced on the next product statement.

If you want to spread your payment of NAT turnover across the year, then file the NAT turnover monthly or quarterly.

Year-end closure NAT

To definitively close the current BVO year, you must press the "year-end closure NAT" button once, after processing all your statements.

Please note: Even if you have not had any BVO turnover in the year, you must press the "year-end closure NAT" button for confirmation.

​The latest submission date for NAT turnover is 31 March after the relevant NAT year.

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