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VAT on invoices

Understanding why some RSVP invoices have VAT on them

Sienna avatar
Written by Sienna
Updated over a week ago

Whether you are an event organizer or run a restaurant, you will receive invoices from RSVP, sometimes with and other times without VAT included due to the EU reverse charge tax mechanism.

All invoices, both for events and for restaurant bookings subscriptions can be found in the Profile Settings tab of the admin. CLICK HERE for more details.

In order to ensure that the invoice we generate automatically is filled out with the correct details, your profile needs to be completed correctly. CLICK HERE for instructions.

Danish Organizers / Restaurants

The full amount of the invoice, including VAT, is what we withhold when making a payout of your event funds.


Whether you are passing the ticketing fees onto your guests or incurring them as a part of the ticket price, RSVP will issue you an invoice for the fees + VAT as we are a Danish registered company. 

For example, if the total fees came to 100 DKK, our invoice would add 25 DKK in VAT. Don't worry, you can claim this back from the tax authorities when you submit your VAT reports. 

Restaurant Bookings

Each month, we will charge the credit card you have on file for the restaurant bookings subscription. VAT will be added to the monthly fee.

Non-Danish Organizers / Restaurants

If we see that you are not based in Denmark, the invoices you receive will be without VAT added. Rather, the invoice will state, "Reverse charge, buyer settles VAT." It is then your responsibility to report the VAT on the transaction to the tax authorities in your country.

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