There are many ways to stream pre-recorded videos. Here is one of them.
See also
Upload your video to Run The World - If you are the Organizer
1. Navigate to the organizer dashboard.
2. Click Create event or find your existing event, and click Manage.
For new events, fill out your event information, speakers, ticketing info, and agenda.
3. Under More, you will see a pre-recorded video option. Click Upload a video.
For a Talk, More will be located along the top bar.
4. Choose a file, then click Add video.
You have now uploaded your pre-recorded video.
5. Click Publish or Update Event on the top right.
Share your video and How to Upload if you are a Speaker
1. After you begin your session, navigate to the Feature Box and click Share video.
2. If you have already uploaded your video, choose your video and press play. If you still haven't uploaded your video into the organizer dashboard, or you are a Speaker, Click Add video, then select to either Upload video or Share YouTube link.
You are now good to go!