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Getting Started | Run The World
Setup your account and host your first event.
Attendee Guide
How to customize your event URL
Can external cameras/mics be used?
How to create your account
Speaker guide
Create and edit your profile
How to install Google Chrome on your computer
How to record your event
What is the minimum device requirement for joining/hosting an event?
What if I don't receive a verification code?
How to buy an event ticket
Stripe isn't supported in my country. How do I pay?
Run The World Slack App
Edit event details
Choose your event session format
How to create a single session event
Invite speakers to an event session
How to create a multi-session event
How to publish your event
Public vs. Unlisted Events
Can I run a free event?
Can I run a for-profit event?
How many video speakers can your platform support in one room?