Your event on Run The World should never feel dull. That's why we built Magic Box, our powerful toolbox of the interactive virtual event features located in the bottom left corner of all session formats. The Magic Box features include Music Intro, Poll, Stretch Break, Call to Action, Groupfie, and Sponsor Shoutout.
1. Music Intro.
Select a music track to welcome your attendees as they enter the session. Choose from three options: active, jazz, and dance. You can stop the music at any time.
2. Poll.
Spontaneously ask your attendees any questions and see results immediately.
3. Stretch Break.
Take a break from your device and have an interactive stretch with your participants by playing one of three short yoga videos.
4. Call to Action.
Share a clickable link in the chat for your audience to access.
5. Groupfie.
Create a shareable group selfie for all attendees! When your speaker asks for a groupfie, say "Cheese." Pictures will be compiled into a compact groupfie.
6. Sponsor Shout-out*.
All of your sponsor lists will pop up on the screen and will be visible to all participants.
*Available for hosts on Sponsor plans.
7. Donation Button
Add a tip jar or a donation button to your event, let your host or entertainer receive some tips. Need donations, this is the feature for you.
Every speaker can add a donation/tip jar
Everyone inside the talkroom will be able to see it and tip.
Payout to speakers will happen every Friday through stripe. If they want it earlier, please contact
To ensure your stripe is set up correctly, please go to your payment settings, follow the steps here