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Scheduled Jobs

Scheduled jobs let you book on-demand jobs in advance.

Written by Tom Nimmo
Updated over a year ago

Scheduled jobs allow you to plan your day in advance without committing to a full shift. These are on-demand jobs but in advance.

Here's how they work.

You can book scheduled jobs from the job offers page in the Ryde app. You'll know it's a scheduled job because it will only have a start time, compared to a shift which has a start and end time.

Once you've booked you're scheduled job, you can start it within 30 minutes of the pickup time.

It's always best to begin the job when you're on your way. Then we know you are heading there and will be picking up the order.

Once you arrive at the pickup, treat it like any other on-demand job.

Simply let the restaurant or client know that you are there and ready to collect. You can then select 'Arrived at Pick-Up' on the Ryde app

Place the order securely in your thermal bag and confirm you have collected the order on your app. This will update the delivery time for the customer automatically and give you the best possible route to get there.

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