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How can a Cookie Consent Banner affect my analysis in Samhub?
How can a Cookie Consent Banner affect my analysis in Samhub?
Written by Martin Bergqvist
Updated over a week ago

A cookie consent banner will limit what and how much data Samhub can analyze as it only allows collection if consent is given.

What is a cookie consent banner and what does it do?

A cookie consent banner is a notification that appears on websites to inform visitors about the use of cookies and other similar tracking technologies on the site. The primary functions of a cookie consent banner include:

1. Informing Visitors: It provides information to visitors about the use of cookies on the website. Cookies are small files stored on the user's device that can track and store information about their browsing behavior.

2. Obtaining Consent: In many jurisdictions, notably within the European Union under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), websites are required to obtain explicit consent from users before placing certain types of cookies on their devices. The banner asks visitors to agree to the use of cookies.

3.User Choice and Preferences: It often allows users to choose which types of cookies they consent to. For example, users might be able to accept essential cookies while opting out of advertising and tracking cookies.

4. Legal Compliance: The banner helps websites comply with legal requirements. Different countries and regions have different laws regarding digital privacy, and the cookie consent banner is a direct response to these laws.

5. Transparency: It serves as a tool for transparency, letting users know how their data is being collected and used.

6. User Experience: While primarily for legal compliance, it can also impact the user experience, as some users might find these banners intrusive, while others appreciate the transparency and control over their privacy.

The design and content of cookie consent banners can vary widely, but they generally include a brief explanation of cookie use, options to accept or reject cookies, and a link to the website's privacy policy or cookie policy for more detailed information.

Cookie consent banner designs

The primary designs of cookie consent banners can vary, but they generally fall into three main categories, each with its own approach to presenting information and seeking consent:

  1. Pop-Up Banners: These are the most common and noticeable type of cookie consent banners. They usually appear in the center of the screen or as a sizable element that overlays a significant portion of the webpage. These pop-ups typically remain on the screen until the user interacts with them, either by accepting the cookies, customizing their preferences, or sometimes closing the banner. The main advantage of this design is its visibility, ensuring that users see and interact with the consent request, but it can be intrusive to the user experience.

    Samhub recommendation: A banner that ensures high interaction and this in turn can ensure a higher consent degree if designed well. Best design from a data collection perspective is if the users have to give some form of consent before being able to access the site.

  2. Top or Bottom Bars: These banners are less intrusive than pop-up banners. They usually appear as a bar at the top or bottom of the webpage. These bars are more subtle and less disruptive to the user experience. They remain on the screen until the user takes an action, like accepting the cookies or accessing more information. While less intrusive, there's a possibility that users might ignore or overlook these banners, especially if they are used to seeing similar designs across many websites.

    Samhub recommendation: Not a great design if you want to get consent, many just ignore the banner and does neither give nor deny consent. And this equals no consent. No consent = no Samhub data collection.

  3. Slide-In Boxes or Corner Pop-Ups: These banners typically appear in the corner of the screen, either sliding in or popping up, and are smaller than full-screen pop-ups. They are designed to be less intrusive than central pop-ups but more noticeable than top or bottom bars. This design strikes a balance between ensuring the banner is seen by the user and maintaining a relatively unobtrusive browsing experience.

    Samhub recommendation: This is also not a great design if you want to ensure consent. But the animation in itself can sometimes get greater attention.

Each design has its own set of advantages and disadvantages in terms of user engagement, visibility, and compliance with legal requirements. The choice of design often depends on the website's layout, the importance of user experience, and legal obligations.

Samhub recommendations

  1. Use a cookie consent banner that ensures an active choice.

  2. Have a clear and well formulated explanation as to why users should give consent.

  3. Highlight the button you want the users to click, guide the users to the choices you want them to make.

  4. Ask for information. Some of our customers ask for zip code upon a user visit because they know that this information can be turned into new insights and marketing gold. We have a small API that you can use to push user submitted information.

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