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Pair Printer
Written by Josh Paul
Updated over 2 years ago

In this lesson, we'll go over how to sync the Zebra mobile field printer with your mobile device.

To turn the Printer on, hold the power button for about 2-seconds until the unit starts to power up. Then go into the tablet's main settings functionality page and go to “connections” and then go to “Bluetooth”. Your printers serial number (this can be found on the bottom of the printer) should appear in the “available devices” settings in the pairing mode.

Click on the correct link and begin pairing. The pairing takes a few seconds, and you will have to confirm the pairing on both the printer and the mobile device for the pairing to take. There will be a passcode on the tablet, simply press “ok” and then pressing the yellow check mark on the printer itself. Once pairing is accepted, it'll be shown in the paired devices menu for device.

To use the printer, open the SampleServe Field App and click on the vertical ellipses (3-dots) at the top right of the screen. This will open a drop-down menu. Click on “Settings” this will reveal available printer settings. The model of the printer is typically the ZQ520. Click that option at the top of the page and make sure that printer option is highlighted and then select the paired serial number for your printer. Click “Save”, and your printer is now ready to be used in the field sampling and printing sample bottle labels.

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