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V2 Setting up User Roles!

With User roles you can hide some elements of Savvy from Groomers Profiles

Savvy Customer Support avatar
Written by Savvy Customer Support
Updated today

When setting up a user in Savvy, you have two choices: designating them as a Groomer, an Admin, or even both.

Typically, Admins enjoy unrestricted access to all of Savvy's features. However, if you wish to modify the visibility of certain features accessible to groomers upon logging in, you have the ability to do so within the system. Find out how below:

Head to the top right Cog > Users > User Roles

We have the options to

  • Hide Reports - Found in the left menu

  • Hide Users - Groomers will only be able to see their own user information in User Info

  • Disable the ability to Update/ Edit Users - Including their own in User Info

  • Hide Customers - This is the Customers list found in the left menu (Groomers can still search and see all customers in appointments!

  • Disable the ability to Export Data

  • Hide Company Details - Found in the top right Cog > Salon Info

  • Hide Online Booking - This hides Online Booking set up under the top right cog and Booking Requests in the left menu

  • Hide Payments - This Hides the Payment settings under the top right Cog

If you're unable to locate salon information, view payments, or access online booking features on Savvy, it's worth checking to see if you accidentally updated your user roles.

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