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Setting up and editing Groups
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

Groups are very important in the Scorebuddy platform structure because of the following reasons:

  1. The Scorecards are assigned to a Group

  2. Reporting is based on a Group or multiple Groups

  3. Access is restricted by Group.

Based on the above, when you create your Group(s), try to best reflect your internal company structure (locations, departments, etc.).

To set up a Group, the Admin should go to the Staff tab, select Groups from the sub-tab, and then click on Add Group in the yellow box.

The pop-up window will include several fields: Group Name, Description, Location, and General Notes, wherein only the Group Name field is mandatory to fill in. By clicking on 'Add Group' you save the new Group.

Once the new Group is added, it will appear in your Group list.

You can edit it by clicking on the name and you can upload an image of max. 100 MB. This picture will be displayed on the Scorecards assigned to this Group (useful for branding for external clients, for example.)

You can also add Group Goals. To the right of the Group name, you will see a 'Goals' option. Once you click this, a pop-up will appear where you can enter any Goals for the specific Group.


By deleting a group, you will also be removing any Teams associated with the group and un-assign Employees and Supervisors of the group and teams.

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