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Adding Comments
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

Why would I add Comments to my Scorecard?

The purpose of assigning canned Comments to your scorecard is to make the scoring process more efficient. This way, the Evaluator is able to select from a ‘Quick Pick’ drop down list and select the comment relevant for the interaction. This feature is useful for recurring comments instead of having to type them in each time.

How do I add these to my Scorecard?

  • The Comments page is accessed via the 'More' dropdown on the Scorecard Edit page.

  • Click 'Add Comment' to add a new comment to your scorecard or use the Edit/Delete buttons to make changes to existing comments (Note: you can multi select Comments for deletion using the radio buttons down the left hand column. The New Comment button will then change to 'Delete' and can be used to remove Comments in bulk)

  • Select the Section to which you would like to assign the Comment (the comment will be available for the Evaluator to select alongside any question which is in this Section) and input your Comment text in the box below. (Note: Comments must be added one at a time in this method. It is not possible to add multiple comments in one input by separating them with a colon or semicolon)


Is it possible for an Evaluator to select multiple Comments per question when creating a score/can Evaluators mix-and-match my canned Comments with their own free text ones?

This is up to you.

By default only one Comment (whether canned or free text) may be selected per question. Within Scorecard Settings (see more here) there is an option to allow multiple comments per question.

If this is enabled an Evaluator will be able to select any number of canned comments (in addition to using free text comments) per question when creating a score.


I am getting 'Error 0012' when creating my Comments. Why is this happening?

This is due to the use of non-alphanumeric characters in your Comment text input. Please see more in this article.

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