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Adding Tip Sheet and Question Tips
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

What are the Tip Sheet and Question Tips?

These are both text elements you can add to your Scorecards which will be visible to evaluators only by default, however if you wish to make these visible to agents also this can be done within the scorecard settings. Their primary aim is to provide guidance for the evaluator on the criteria they are scoring to help ensure consistency of scoring outcomes.

A Question Tip will be visible to the evaluator when completing an evaluation. It appears in italics and below the question text for the question to which it has been added.

A Tip Sheet does not appear on the scorecard itself and is instead accessed in a pop up window when creating an evaluator by clicking the "Tip Sheet" button at the top right of the scoring page.

They can be used in conjunction and can be added to any new or existing scorecard.

A sample Question Tip


A sample Tip Sheet


How to add a Question Tip

From the Scorecard Edit page, hover your cursor over the question to which you would like to add (or edit) a tip.

In the top right of the question panel you will see "Add/Update Tip" appear. Click this to bring up the pop up where you can add or edit your Question Tip. Click "Save Tip Sheet" when done.

Your Question Tip can be previewed by clicking the "Preview" button near the top of the page.


How to add a Tip Sheet

From the Scorecard Edit page, click on "Tip Sheet" near the top of the page. Enter or update the details for your Tip Sheet and click "Save Tip Sheet" when done.

Your Tip Sheet can be previewed by clicking the "Preview" button near the top of the page.


How do I make question tips visible for agents?

To make the questions tips visible to agents you can navigate to the scorecards settings and then toggle the 'Show question tips on review page' setting to on.

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