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What are 'Fail All' and 'Fail Section', and how are they set up?
What are 'Fail All' and 'Fail Section', and how are they set up?
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

What are 'Fail All' and 'Fail Section'?

Fail All and Fail Section are flags which can be set against specific answer choices. Once an answer choice is flagged with Fail All/Fail Section, there are various different system behaviors which can be triggered when that answer choice is selected during the scoring process.

Fail All and Fail Section are commonly used to introduce more serious impacts for failing to meet particular question standards (such as a Data Protection or compliance failure).

It is also possible to report on their frequency and have email alerts triggered when they occur.

How do I set the Fail All/Fail Section flags?

You do this on the Question Details page within Edit Scorecard (MORE > QUESTION DETAILS)

Tick the box for the answer choice you would like to be flagged as a Fail Section/Fail All answer in the appropriate column (as below)

i.e. In the above scenario a Fail Section would be triggered when "No" was selected for Question 1. and a Fail All would be triggered when "No" was selected for Question 5.

Can I make it so that Fail Section/Fail All deducts extra points when triggered?

Yes. By default Fail Section/Fail All only records that the Agent failed a Section/the entire Scorecard, it has no impact on the score that is displayed to Agents or is used in reports.

If you would like to apply a reduction in points it is possible to do so via Scorecard Settings (MORE > SCORECARD SETTINGS).

Fail All Results in Zero = When a Fail All is triggered during scoring the entire score will be reduced to 0%, regardless of the answers provided across the rest of the scorecard.

Fail Section Subtracts = When a Fail Section is triggered during scoring all points from the Section that the question is assigned to will be lost, regardless of the answers provided in the rest of the Section

How can I set up email notifications for Fail All/Fail Sections?

You do this via Scorecard Settings (MORE > SCORECARD SETTINGS).

Select the "Point of Failure Email Notification" box and input any email addresses you would like to receive the notification in the text box that appears (separate multiple emails with a comma). When a score is saved on which a Fail All has been triggered, an email will be sent to all the addresses from the list notifying that this has occurred.

How can I report on Fail All/Fail Section?

Within Reports:

The "Evaluations" report includes a count of Fail All/Fail Sections per Employee

Within Analytics:

Analytics Reports 2.2 Points of Failure by Supervisor, 5.2 Points of Failure by Team and 6.3 Points of Failure all include data from Fail All/Fail Sections

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