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Admin menu Overview
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

What is the Admin Menu?

The admin menu is an area accessible only to Global Admin, or Group Admin type users, where you can view existing users*, setup new user accounts and passwords, view the activity log, check the general usage of the system, whitelist IP address and archive data, or access the developer section for creation of API clients and accessing API documentation.

*Users in Scorebuddy are people other than Staff, where Staff are defined as Employees and Supervisors (and are managed in the Staff Tab). A full breakdown Scorebuddy profile types can be accessed here.



Within the user subtab you can view, edit existing users, or delete users, as well as add new users. Please note that if a user is deleted, they are permanently deleted. Any scores which the deleted user entered on Scorebuddy will not be affected and will remain accessible.



The activity subtab is where you can view a log of actions taken on the system such as scores being logged, users being created or deleted, or integration lists being created/updated. This page is limited to displaying 6,000 logs at any one time but can be filtered to display specific activities.


The usage tab is where you can view details of your Scorebuddy account including:

- Your product plan

- Staff Management: A count of employees and supervisors, as well as the number of users with dashboards enabled

- Storage

- Survey stats if you are availing of the Surveybuddy offering


The export tab is used to download a raw data export for any evaluations logged on Scorebuddy. A Global admin will have access to export the scores for the entire account while a Group Admin will only have the option of exporting information for the Groups which they are assigned to.

Due to the large volume of information which is contained in an export you are limited to exporting a period of up to 31 days at a time.

You have the option of downloading this information in xlsx or csv format depending on your requirements.


The security tab allows you to control the settings relating to accessing your Scorebuddy account. This tab is broken down into further submenus:

- Passwords: Here you can configure if you want users passwords to expire after a certain number of days, requiring them to create a new password after this period has elapsed. You can also control the password history meaning that a user will not be able to reuse a password until they have gone through x number of unique passwords.

- Attachments: Here you can view any attachments which were added to an evaluation. You can also delete the attachments from this page.

- Archives: Within the archive submenu you can create an archive of the scores which have been logged. The archive will create a zip file, which contains a PDF version of each score recorded in the period you archived. You can also choose to delete the scores from Scorebuddy when creating the archive.

- IP Whitelisting: Within this area you will be able to control whitelisted IP addresses which can access your Scorebuddy account. If you wish to set up IP whitelisting on your account please contact your relevant Customer Success Executive.

- Support Access: Here you can control if the Scorebuddy Support team has access to your account. With Support Access enabled the Scorebuddy team will be able to access your account to assist with any questions or issues you may have. This setting can be toggled as required.

- Single Sign On: If you are currently using one of the below Single Sign On providers you can integrate them with your Scorebuddy account to control how users can log into Scorebuddy.

- Custom LMS: If you are availing of the Scorebuddy LMS, this is where the connection details are configured.


Scorebuddy supports OpenAPI 1.5.3 for programmatically accessing, updating, or deleting information from your Scorebuddy account.

Within our developers section you will be able to configure API Client access as well as view the Scorebuddy API documentation.

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