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Navigation - Agent Dashboard
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

When Employees log in, they will see the Agent Dashboard. The main page will contain all the customized data the agent wants to see and the left will contain the deep dive tabs.


Top Right Navigation menu

At the top right-hand corner, they can find the Inbox, Profile and Log out menu.

The Scorebuddy Inbox is accessed by clicking ‘Inbox’ in the main heading. Agents will also see notifications here for unread mail. Agents may receive an e-mail when scores are created for them or edited. When this happens they will also receive a Scorebuddy message in their Inbox. Clicking the message will open the full text. A link to the score will be included there. They also have the option to reply, forward, delete or archive the message.


In Profile, they can change their password (at least 8 characters and contain Uppercase, Lowercase and a number) and customize their profile by adding a photo. The photo must be at least 200 x 200.


Left-hand Navigation Menu

The Left Navigation menu gives the Employees access to the Scorecards chart, Tasks, Goals, Comments, Activity log and courses. The option to self score will also appear if switched on in their profile.


Scores : Agents can click through the tabs to see results from different Scorecards.


Self Score : Agents can self score if the option is switched on in their profile by an admin.

Tasks: Task set out for the agents by their supervisore or an admin will appear. It will show due date, proirty and status of each task.


Comments : The comments displayed here are those collected from the main comment box at the bottom of their scores.

They can click through the tabs at the top of the window to see comments from different scorecards and use the dropdown (top right hand side) to change the date range for the comments being displayed (just like on the main Dashboard).

Clicking ‘View’ will take them to the full score information for that comment (right hand side of the comment, in blue).

The agent now also has the option to Accept the score or request a 1-1 from here.


The colour of the heading containing the score indicates:

  • Green = On or above Target

  • Amber = Below Target

  • Red = A Fail All scenario was triggered on this result

Activity : This page gives them a full chronological history of scores being created for them/edits alongside dates and names.

By clicking on the Scorecard name will link them to the relevant score.

And as always, by clicking on the ‘Recent’ dropdown will allow them to adjust the date range for the history being presented.


Goals : They can change from ‘My Goals’, ‘Team Goals’ and ‘Group Goals’ via the tabs in the window. Agents may be granted the option to define their own ‘My Goals’ or these may be defined for them by a Supervisor (as is the case here). The Team and Group Goals will be set by a Scorebuddy Admin user.


The date by the Username (My Goals) or in the bottom right of the window (Team and Group Goals) will always show them when the goal was set so they know that they are still relevant.

My Courses: This tab will direct the agent to Scorebuddy Academy and show the courses assigned to that agent via their supervisor.

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