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Agent Engagement Reports
Agent Engagement Reports
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

To help keep track of your agents engagement in your quality process we have built reports at an agent, team and group level which show the percentage of scores which have been viewed, accepted, reviewed, and where a one to one has been requested or where no action has been taken.

Where can I find the new reports?

Report 1.12 Result Acceptance by Agent can be found by navigating to the Analytics tab and selecting the Staff reports drop down.


To access the group level report you simply select the Group reports drop down and select report 6.7 Result Acceptance by Group


The team level report can be access by drilling down into the results on your group report.


What do the reports tell me?

The reports can be used to show how engaged users are with the quality process at an agent, team and group level.

How do I interpret the data?

The interpretation of each column is as follows:

  • Agent/Team/Group - displays the name of the agent, team or group, depending on which report you are viewing

  • Viewed - shows the percentage of the total results which have been viewed

  • Accepted - shows the percentage of total result which an agent has accepted

  • Request 1:1 - shows the percentage of total results which an agent has requested a one to one

  • Reviewed - shows the percentage of total results which have been reviewed after the initial scoring

  • No action - shows the percentage of total results which the agent has not taken any action with ie. they have not interacted with the score

  • Total Results - displays the total number of results based on the selected filters

N.B - the report shows the percentage of the total results which were in each status, ie. if a result is reviewed after it is accepted, it will be counted in both the 'Reviewed' and the 'Accepted' column

N.B - the report does not show the percentage of requested one to ones which have been rejected by a supervisor under the 'Evaluator, via the Supervisor' one to one workflow.

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