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QA Assist - Overview
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

What is QA Assist?

QA Assist utilizes the "Auto QA" function of your CX Moments instance. It pulls the Auto QA Rules outcomes into Scorebuddy via your CX Moments integration so that your evaluators can use it to make informed decisions in their Scorebuddy scoring and increase their efficiency.

QA Assist annotates the different elements of the interactions you are scoring with the Pass/Fail/NA outcomes of your CX Moments Rules. The "QA Assist" button can also be clicked, to automatically populate those outcomes as answers to questions in your scorecard which you have mapped to your rules.


How does it work? - Annotation

The Rules you create in CX Moments will run, and record an outcome of Pass, Fail or N/A for each of the interactions in your dataset.

With QA Assist, these outcomes will also be visible in the interaction details in the left hand pane when scoring an interaction using your CX Moments integration.

The element of the interaction that triggered the rule will be tagged with the rule name in either Green (the Rule passed) or Red (the Rule failed).

Clicking on the Rule name will expose the Topics which are elements of that Rule. Hovering your cursor over those Topics will highlight the text within that interaction which triggered the Rule.


How does it work? - QA Assist question mapping

It is possible to map questions in your Scorebuddy scorecards to particular Rules created within CX Moments. The outcomes of these Rules will then be used to auto-populate the answers for these questions when your Evaluator clicks the "QA Assist" button whilst scoring.


The "QA Assist" button will auto populate Pass, Fail or N/A answers per question, but the Evaluator is still able to change these answers, if they do not believe that they fit.


How does it work? - Using Rules as filters when building lists

Every interaction which has had a Rule run on it within CX Moments will automatically pull the associated outcomes into Scorebuddy via your CX Moments integration.

If you would like to find interactions which have either passed or failed a particular Rule, you can do this via filters when you create your lists.


How does it work - Who can see the QA Assist data?

As QA Assist is designed to aid scoring, annotation will only appear on the scoring, calibration and edit pages. Employees will not see the annotation when viewing the results via their Dashboard.

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