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Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

Alerts will send you an email or a slack notification whenever your customer support conversations meet certain criteria, such as Payment portal issues, or connection problems.


Alerts criteria can be based on Cx Moments topics or Helpdesk fields. Alerts can be triggered based on a frequency threshold (e.g. 10 per hour), or every time the event happens.

Here is how you configure two examples of alerts:

Example 1: Send me an email when customers complain about a payment portal issue, more than 10 times in one hour


Example 2: Send me an email whenever a complaint is received about a connection problem, but limited to tickets that belong to certain group(s).


Note 1: in the example above, the logic implemented is the following:

(Topic = "Problems syncing and connecting") AND (Group="Cx Moments" OR "Support"):


Note 2: The Alerts rules are applied every time a batch of tickets or chats are loaded. Depending on each client configuration, this refresh can take place every day, every hour, or even more frequently. It takes places in batches. Depending on each Helpdesk integration, these batches can be 25 to 100 tickets at a time.

Contact if you want to check what your refresh frequency is.

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