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QA Assist - Scoring using QA Assist
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 8 months ago

How can my evaluators benefit from QA Assist?


The outcomes (Pass/Fail) from the Rules which you have set up and run in CX Moments will appear as notation on the interaction in the left hand pane.

The name of the Rule will appear in green (for Pass) or Red (for Fail) alongside the element of the interaction which triggered it. Clicking the Rule will expose the Topics which were used to create the Rule, as well as show the keywords in the text which were triggers.


Using QA Assist to auto-populate answer choices

Clicking the "QA Assist" button in the top right of the scoring pane will auto populate answers for all questions on the scorecard.

Where a question has been configured to be associated with a QA Assist rule, this question will be automatically be marked as pass or fail according to the logic of the rule applied.

If an evaluator deems that a rule was incorrectly applied within the context of the conversation, they have the ability to change the answer which was automatically assigned by the QA assist feature.

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