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QA Assist - Rule template: Sequence
Jordan McGovern avatar
Written by Jordan McGovern
Updated over 4 months ago

Rule template: Sequence

This template will create rules that trigger when detecting topic(s) on either side of the conversation. it will then Pass the conversation if it detects topic(s), on either side, before or after the triggering topic.

Let's look at the steps to create a QA rule that checks Empathy: "triggers" when detecting a customer problem, "Passes" if it detects agent empathy shortly after.

Step 1: create the rule using the "Sequence" template

Step 2: name the rule and give it a long description

Step 3: Select topic(s) on the customer side that will trigger the rule

Step 4: Select topic(s) on the agent's side that will Pass the rule

Step 5: Decide for how long afterwards these topics will actually Pass the rule

Step 6: Save the rule. It will now run automatically on all your ticket/chat history, as well as on any new conversation coming into your Helpdesk.

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