Add a favorite
With your personal watchlist you are able to gain a quick and clear overview of favorite players developments. There are several options to add a player to your player list:
By a match or single report
Open the pdf-preview and just click the star icon next to the player image. The corresponding player will then be pinned to your player list.
In addition, a final player rating can be made directly beneath the player statistics for each game based on our indicator scale.
In match reports, you can also add players to your player list even during live scouting. Press MORE
in the opened evaluation bubble and click on the star icon in the upper right corner of the player profile.
Without a scouting report
To add players without a match report, open your player list and press the +PLAYER
button in the upper right corner. Enter the player name in the search field and click on the player in the table. The player will then be bookmarked as favorite.
If you add a player by your watchlist section and assign a category, the player will be added as favorite and synchronized with your player list, too. Players with NO CATEGORY
will be only visible on your watchlist.
Categorize and remove players
For better transfer scheduling, watchlist players can be categorized by priority level. The four items to categorize players are:
Notable: Player that is interesting to look at and worthy of note
Perspective: Player who is targeted for a closer scrutiny
Focus: Player considered for immediate transfer but needs final evaluation
Immediately: Player that is recommended for an immediate transfer
If no category is assigned, the level NO CATEGORY
appears. To remove players from your player list or watchlist, open the category drop-down and click on REMOVE PLAYER
or tap the X
Filter players
Players on the watchlist are ranked by position. Use our filters to search or sort by age or category. As a group admin you can add players of your group members to your own watchlist or filter by them.