If you determine at the onset that your vendors need to be evaluated with a particular assessment, you can now remove the classification step entirely. This allows you to send the desired assessment directly to the vendor contact with no lag time.
Removing the classification step can be applied across the board or more specifically using custom workflows. It is particularly helpful for projects and RFPs, where classifying the vendor's services and access to information are unnecessary.
Example Use Case
Your company is running an RFP for a new, telecommunications vendor. You have already determined that the 6 prospective vendors will need to complete the high assessment. The classification step would be time-consuming and pointless in this case. Instead, you create a custom workflow called "Telecommunications RFP" and associate the high assessment. When you add the 6 vendors, you select to send them through the Telecommunications RFP workflow. The evaluation begins immediately.
We do not recommend removing the classification step for standard vendor risk management.
Navigate to Settings > Workflows in the left navigation menu
Click on the name of the workflow
In the next screen, click the gear icon next to the Classification Step
In the dropdown, select Remove Classification Step
In the modal window, you will be prompted to select the assessment template that will be used for this workflow
Click the dropdown and select the assessment template
PLEASE NOTE: Only one assessment template can be associated to the workflow as there will be no chance to make a selection later.
βClick > Confirm button
The workflow screen will now show that the Classification Step has been removed.
When a vendor is evaluated using a workflow without the Classification Step, the Assessment Step will open immediately.
PLEASE NOTE: The usual process for capturing the vendor contact information has been skipped. It is CRITICAL that you invite the vendor contact(s).
Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the evaluation screen
Select Invite Team Member in the dropdown
Click > Invite New button
In the modal window, provide the vendor contact's information
Click > Save button. The vendor contact will receive the standard welcome email
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