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Test Questionnaire Scoring
Test Questionnaire Scoring

In S2Org > Supplements > Custom Questionnaires

Caitlin Fox avatar
Written by Caitlin Fox
Updated over a week ago


  1. Click S2Partner

  2. Click menu open

  3. Click Supplements

  4. Click menu closed

  5. Click Custom Questionnaires

  6. Click Questionnaire Name

  7. Click Preview

  8. Answer Questions
    โ€‹Score will be calculated based on these responses

  9. Click Calculate Score

  10. If results do not appear, try troubleshooting
    โ€‹1. Make sure all questions are answered in Preview

    2. Go back to Design and make sure questions are scoreable and field (response) options have scores or points associated

  11. If results are not what you'd expect, go back to Design and adjust scores


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