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Explanation of Roles
Caitlin Fox avatar
Written by Caitlin Fox
Updated over a week ago

What module will the user need access to?

Check out Administration roles.



Typically given to users that will be engaging fully with S2Org


Less commonly given to users. This role is very useful for users that should only have limited engagement with S2Org


Most common role given to users. It's free and enables the user to see all content inside S2Org. This is ideal for delivery



Rarely given to any user. This role is intended for users managing a large team of Risk Managers

Risk Manager

This role should be given to the user that will actively manage the vendor risk management program

Settings Manager

Typically paired with the Risk Manager role. This role enables the user to change the default configurations

Relationship Owner

Does not need to be assigned here. This role will be automatically applied to users when they are assigned to classify a vendor


Assigned to users who do not actively participate in the administration of the vendor risk management program but who have a vested interest in the results



This role should be given to the user that will actively manage the program


This roles enables the user to see all team content


Site Manager

This role should be given to the user that will actively manage the PCI program


Assigned to users who do not actively participate in the administration of the PCI program but who have a vested interest in the results. For example, it might be given to a QSA or an auditor



Typically given to a select few. This role enables the user to configure all account settings (Organization Profile, Sub Entities, Partner Management, Users, Roles, Billing, SAML Settings, SMTP Settings, Message Center, Domain Management)

Client Administrator

This role is specific to partner users inside client accounts. It's a limited version of the Administrator role (Organization Profile, Sub Entities, SAML Settings, SMTP Settings, Message Center, Domain Management)


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