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Investment account

Everything about your investment account
How to withdraw money from my investment account?
How does Selma calculate returns?
How does Selma manage or adjust my investments?
Transaction terminology
How Selma detects if investments are cheap or expensive aka measuring the over- or undervaluations
How does Selma put my investments together?
How does Selma select investment products?
What's in an investment mix?
Is now a good time to invest?
What happens once I transfer money to my new Selma account?
Why shouldn't everyone invest in the same way?
How much does Selma invest in Swiss companies?
Which date does Selma show for transactions?
When and why does Selma rebalance?
Are there any costs for switching to sustainable investing?
Why are there ETFs in my investment mix?
How to deposit money into my investment account?
Why is there uninvested cash on my investment account?
How to understand investment performance
Markets have been bumpy. Should I do something?
Does Selma charge for transactions?
What is the deposit plan?
Do I have to follow the deposit plan?
Are there any fees for following my deposit plan?
How to add my QoQa code?
I plan to make a larger deposit into my investment account. What should I consider?
How to start investing with Selma again?
Why are there bonds in my portfolio?
Investment preference: Swiss bias