
Overview of Sentz Privacy Protections

Written by Razan Hantash
Updated over a week ago

Who can see the transactions I perform on Sentz?

Thanks to Sentz's PrivatePay technology, when you send money to your friends only you and the person you're transacting with can see the transaction.

No one else, including Sentz's employees can see your transaction history. Please note: when you fund or withdraw money from Sentz you are choosing to share details of that funding or withdrawal transaction with third party compliance organizations.

How does PrivatePay work?

PrivatePay is a set of open-source technological innovations developed by the MobileCoin Foundation. The system uses the latest innovations in cryptographic technology to provide an oblivious transaction system. The term oblivious means the system can route and store your payments, but cannot see them. There are many pieces of technology that are required for this experience.

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