🪙 Fees

An overview of fees on the Sentz app - withdrawal fees, network fees, and more.

Written by Razan Hantash
Updated over a week ago


What fees will I pay?

Sentz users may incur a network fee when sending a transaction as well as a withdrawal fee when removing funds from the platform. 3rd Party Fees by outside service providers may be charged when funding your wallet or converting your funds to another currency.

Network Fees

Outgoing transactions may incur a small Peer-To-Peer fee, typically less than a penny. Incoming transactions do not incur a network fee.

Withdrawal Fees

If you withdraw to your bank account, the fee is determined by our partner. We are constantly working on bringing in more partners that will help us provide reduced fees. Withdrawing funds as USDC will incur a fee based on the network that you choose. If you withdraw through the Polygon network, fees are typically less than $2.

Why are there fees?

Different institutions and companies help move your money safely. Sentz continues to work on reducing fees at each level to offer the most affordable way to send money to anyone, anywhere.

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