Posting Nominals
Nominal transactions mean successfully sending an invoice to an 'Account' linked with an integration package, this is done for Sales and/or Purchase orders. This process checks the nominal codes and shows an error if the transaction is unsuccessful.
Getting There
After an invoice is generated:
Head to the Finance menu.
Add the Sales Nominal Update and Purchases Nominal Update modules from the Customise Dashboard button.
Sales Nominal Update
This is the Sales Nominal Update Page that you will see.
Purchase Nominal Update
When you open the Purchase Nominal Update page you will see this screen.
Sending Nominals to Accounts
You can send nominals to accounts from either the Purchase Nominal Update or Sales Nominal Update module - the process is the same.
First, you need to select one or more invoices.
Then, click Send To Accounts.
Below the View History/Send to Accounts you can see the latest log date & time entry.
This is when the process has last been actioned.
Sales Transactions
Once you have processed the sales orders in Service Geeni now you can generate invoices or credits. In the Sales Nominal Update module, send these sales records to your accounts package.
Verify that the transactions appear in your account package Sales Invoices page.
Purchase Transactions
Once you have generated purchase orders in Service Geeni, you can create invoices, and use the Purchase Nominal Update module to send these records to your accounts package.
Verify these appear in your accounts package Purchase Invoices page.
When invoices are generated, here’s how to check they are linked correctly and send them to accounts.
Check if the link is successful
Here you can check if the link is successful.
If the Send to Accounts option isn't activated, you will need to set up your integration package in system settings.
Click Yes to send nominals to accounts.
View History
Once they are sent to Accounts, you can click View History to view their progress.
Here you can see that the Transactions are Queued for Posting.
If the Nominal code is incorrect the invoice will go through but will bounce back with an error.
Check that the codes match.
If the code is different, you can change the nominal code on the transaction itself when the error shows by clicking the + icon and then editing the Nominal code.
Sales Nominal Update
For the Sales Nominal Update, the error code will come back as red and have the posting note as ‘Supplier Account is not found in Accounts Package".
To view more details click the Expand + next to the transaction.
To make this easier you can view and edit the columns displayed on the screen by selecting or deselecting them from the Column Options.
Purchase Nominal Updates
The error for the Purchase Nominal updates is in black with the same Posting Note.
It's helpful to add the Posting Notes column and you can do this by:
Click the down arrow and scroll down to Posting Notes.
You can move and adjust the displayed columns by clicking and dragging.
If the invoice doesn’t go through and shows Queued for Posting, this usually means that the connection isn’t working.
Note: Changing the nominal code against a transaction does not update a related purchase analysis, sales analysis or charge code nominal in the system setup, the change is applied to this record only.
Any missing nominals will need to be updated in the relevant settings for this to then apply to future transactions.
Learn how to update the settings in this article Setting up your Nominal Codes.