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Equipment Deal

Learn the ins and outs of Equipment Deal

Written by Greg Mandy
Updated over a month ago

Let's discover what an Equipment Deal is and how to set one up!

Equipment Deal is responsible for selling existing equipment and creating a catalogue of items for sale, as well as the processes for quoting and selling them.


Start by watching our Equipment Deal video ▶Equipment Deal

Category Enquiry

Getting There

You can find the Category Enquiry module by clicking on the Equipment menu.

Category Enquiry - Navigation

All your current Equipment items in the Catalogue will be listed (as below).

  • You can use the keyword search and filters to narrow down your list.

  • If you’d like, you can sort by clicking any of the column headers and export the data using the down arrow on the right.

  • To manage an Equipment item, just click the Action Tray icon.

  • You can Edit, Archive or Upload Documentation.

Archived items can be viewed here and easily unarchived if needed.

Creating a Catalogue Template

You are now ready to create a new catalogue item from scratch.

  • Click the Add Catalogue Template button to get started with a fresh template.

General Section

  • Next, click the button to generate a new Catalogue ID, automatically giving you the next available number in the sequence or you can type one in.

  • You can also copy or create a new Catalogue ID by clicking on the ellipsis (...).

  • Enter a description of the catalogue item, and the preferred supplier if it's helpful.

  • Select the Primary Supplier, this is an optional field.

  • Then, pick a Model from your list of equipment items - it’ll automatically fill in the Type and Make fields for you.

If the equipment model you need isn’t listed yet, you’ll need to create one. Don’t forget, when you’re creating new Equipment Items, you’ll be asked if you want to also create a Catalogue Item at the end of that process.

This is covered in the Equipment Article: Click Here.

  • Enter the Cost and Selling Price if you’ve got them handy. You can edit these later when adding the item to a Quote or an Equipment deal.

  • The Purchase Analysis (PA) code and VAT Codes are required fields, you can select them from a list via the ellipsis (...).

  • You can also add a Parent Equipment item if it makes sense. For example, if you’re creating a catalogue item for a car battery, you could link it to the model of the car as the parent equipment.

Parent Equipment is covered in the Equipment Article: Click Here.

  • Feel free to enter a Default Year Of Manufacture. You can always update this on any new items you create from this template.

  • There's an option to Enable serial numbers too. This ensures the serial number is captured during the purchasing process. When enabled, whoever receipts the equipment will be prompted to record the serial number in the system.

  • You can add any Notes in the free text box, and add a Barcode if relevant.

  • Lastly, you can pick a Sales Analysis (SA) code from the list, which is used to manage the sales postings when you sell the catalogue item.

Warranty Section

You can add a Warranty to the item in this section.

  • To do so, click the Plus (+) icon to the right of the section which opens the Catalogue Warranty window.

From here you need to:

  • Add the Warranty Name and Type.

  • Choose the Warranty Charge Code Type.

  • Next, set the warranty cover Time Period by clicking the toggle button.

    • You can choose the duration types offered, Days, Weeks or Months and then assign the number, so 24 Months of cover is applied (in the example below).

  • You can then specify if you want to set the duration to Hours, e.g. Car drive-away warranty set to 6 hours from purchase.

If you have Time Period and Hours selected, an additional field "Condition" will appear asking which warranty duration should take priority or if both durations should be taken into account.

  • Once you are happy, click Save.

  • Success, your new Warranty is added to the section, you can add as many as required by repeating the above process.

Specifications Section

In this section, you can:

  • Add Cost/Charge Codes for the item via the ellipsis (...). These codes help manage how any service or repair jobs related to the equipment will be charged.

  • You can also select a Usage type or create a new one if needed; the same goes for the Shift Pattern. Just choose from the list or add your own.

  • If you need to, you can add a Condition Rating. For example, if you use a rating system of 1-5, you can enter a numerical value here.

Other Specifications Section

Here, you can add any extra custom fields to capture more details about the items created from this template in the Specifications section.

The single Cog icon will let you create a new field, the 3 Cog icon lets you pick and assign an already created specification field.

  • Fill out all the fields and once you’re happy, click to Save your custom field. If you need to make changes later, just click the cog icon to edit.

You can learn more about this in the Equipment Specifications Article: Click here.

  • Click Save again to finish your template. You're all set!

Equipment Deal Records

Getting There

You can get to the Equipment Deal Records module via the Equipment menu.

Create a New Equipment Deal Record

From the Equipment Deal screen, you can manage any records if you have them, or create a new one. You can easily narrow down the list using keywords or search filters. You’ll also see options to export data, update quote statuses, and use the Action Tray icon for uploading documents, editing, or printing quotes.

  • To create a new one, click the Add New Deal button.

Here you can start to build your new deal.

General Info Section

To start the Equipment Deal, fill out the fields, you can stick to the mandatory ones if you want to.

  • Type in the Quotation number or select one from the ellipsis.

  • The Quotation Status allows you to change its status from a drop-down list.

  • You can choose from:

    • Accepted

    • Active

    • Awaiting customer agreement draft

    • Awaiting finance approval

    • Completed

    • Draft

    • Rejected

You must make the quote Accepted to save or raise the Equipment Deal.

  • Next, pick a Customer Account Number from the list via the ellipsis (...), their address and contact details will be filled in automatically.

  • The VAT Code and Payment Terms may pre-populate, based on the Customer’s record or your system defaults, but you can edit these if needed.

  • The Invoice Account Number will default to the Customer’s, but you can change this if you want.

  • Select the Payment Terms.

  • Now, choose a Type for the deal from the list or click Add to create a new one.

Other Details

Here, you can indicate if a Service Contract is included in the quote and add any relevant notes. If not, just leave this unchecked.

Equipment For Sale

  • Next, add the equipment you’re selling. In the Equipment for Sale section, click the plus (+) icon to add items.

  • You can choose to sell Catalogue Equipment or Existing Equipment. For Existing Equipment, just pick an item from the list via the ellipsis, only those marked as available for sale will show up, and most details will be filled in from the equipment record.

Next, select a:

  • Catalogue ID

  • Site ID

  • Sales Analysis Code

If needed, you can add internal or external costs, like transport or delivery. Enter warranty details, including the coverage percentage, period (in months or hours), and provision amount.

For an extended warranty, just add the cost and selling prices, and specify whether it’s time or hours-based. You can then set the coverage period.

Specifications / Other Specifications

In the Specifications section, you can fill out the cost codes if you know them.

  • Select the relevant ones from the lists via the ellipsis (...). These will determine how future service, repair, or warranty jobs are charged.

  • You can pick a Usage type and Shift Pattern, and enter a condition rating.

In Other Specifications, fill out any custom fields or create new ones if necessary.

SKU & Labour

In Planned SKU & Labour, you can add parts and labour for commissioning the equipment.

  • For Planned Stock, click the plus (+) icon, search for the stock parts, select the ones you need and click Select.

For Planned Labour, click the Plus (+) icon.

  • In the Planned Labour window, fill out the fields as required.

  • Once done, hit Save.

  • You can repeat these steps for all equipment items in the quote.

Cost and Revenue

The Cost and Revenue section gives a breakdown of all the items you have added to the quote for this piece of equipment.

Click Save and the items are now visible in the Equipment For Sale section.

Trade In

If you’re adding equipment that you’re buying from your customer as part of the deal, use the Trade In section.

  • Click the plus (+) icon to add an item.

  • From here, select an item from your catalogue via the ellipsis (...). If you don’t have it listed yet, you can create a new catalogue entry (as we showed earlier).

Once selected, most of the details will be filled in for you, and the stock receipt and Serial Numbers will be added later when the item comes into stock.

  • Now, add in the costs.

  • Then, choose the right Purchase Analysis Code.

  • If the item is going into your stock for resale or hire, just tick the box.

  • Click Save, and it will be added to the Trade In section.

Service Contracts

This section allows you to add Service Contracts to the Equipment Deal.

You can learn more in the Service Contract Video Click Here

Cost and Review

Once you've filled out the details, you can review your Quote in this section.

  • On the left, you'll see the Planned Costs and Revenue.

  • Once the deal is live, the Actual will show up on the right.

When you're ready, you can save the quote as a draft or go ahead and Raise New Deal.

When you are ready to save or raise the new deal, you will be prompted to Accept the quotation before you can continue.

Back in the General Section, under Status, you can change it to Accepted.

You have successfully created a new Equipment Deal.

Managing & Converting Quotes

Once the quote is raised, it’ll be marked as Active. From there, head to Quotation Details via the Records menu to:

  • Change its Status via the drop down list.

  • You can also use the Action Tray to manage your quotes. You can Print, edit, Delete and Upload Documents to the quote while it’s still active.

You can view the details by using the nested grid on the left to view the equipment, any trade-ins, and contracts included in the quote.

You can learn more about quotes in the Quotation Article: Click here.

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