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What is an Asset?

Understanding the building blocks of your Brand.

Oliver Randell avatar
Written by Oliver Randell
Updated over a week ago

Assets are the life force that makes your Brand amazing. Manage them properly and they’ll be raring to go to build great content!

Types of Assets

Assets can come in all shapes and sizes. They can be images, audio files, videos, illustrations, logos - you name it. They can also come in all different file types depending on how they were made and saved.

Sesimi looks after all these file types easily, allowing Users to access them and share them to create great content.

Templates are Assets too

In Sesimi, there’s one more kind of Asset - and that’s Templates. We’re talking about the Sesimi Templates that Users access to create content for all kinds of media.

Why do we include these Templates as Assets?
Simply because a piece of content that one User makes - say a Social Media Ad - can then be accessed and re-purposed by another User in the network, just as they can with any other Asset. This is why you will find Templates in your Sesimi Asset Library.

Every Asset is unique

When an Asset is uploaded into Sesimi, it’s likely to have inbuilt data attached to it that is also recorded in the platform. This information is like the fingerprint of every Asset - it is used to pinpoint the Asset later for Users.

Sesimi also allows Users to add more detail to the data of an Asset after it is uploaded. This helps to build a more complete profile of the Asset which greatly assists when locating and sharing that Asset later.

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