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Investment holdings report

Find out about the Sharesies investment holdings report, including what information is included in the report.

Ruby Gardner avatar
Written by Ruby Gardner
Updated over 4 months ago

You can generate an investment holdings report to get in-depth data about the investments you hold through the Sharesies platform during a selected period, based on the data that’s available. The information in the reports is made available to you on an 'as is' basis—you’re responsible for checking the accuracy of any information that you use. None of the information from the reports can be taken as personalised investment, financial, or tax advice, and we aren’t liable for your use of the information in that way, or for any inaccuracy, error, or incompleteness of any information.

Information not included in the report

There's certain information that may not be included in the report, such as:

  • investments held for less than a day

  • investments listed on markets that aren’t supported by the Sharesies platform (such as investments that have delisted to trade on the over-the-counter market)

  • foreign exchange fees and share transfer fees

  • withholding tax on the sale of US partnership investments

  • some corporate action dollar values

  • tax withheld and paid on dividend reinvestment plans.

There may be other limitations to the data that we're not aware of. If you see something that doesn’t seem right, please get in touch at

Foreign investment fund (FIF) income

The report also includes some information that may help investors to determine any foreign investment fund (FIF) income they’ve received. This information is only relevant to NZ resident taxpayers.

If you wish to use the FIF income information in the report, please refer to the Sharesies NZ help centre article for more information about its limitations.

Download a report

  1. Log in to Sharesies.

  2. Go to your investment portfolio then select Manage > Download reports.

  3. Choose the period you would like a report for, and select Investment holdings report.

  4. Select Export report to save or download the report.

Report heading definitions

You can use the definitions below to help you understand the information in your investment holding report.

Please note, the values (including share prices) displayed in the report are calculated at market close on the relevant trading day.

Column heading


Investment ticker symbol

Abbreviation used to identify the investment on an exchange. In the report, you see the ticker that is current at the time of the report being generated. Tickers can change for various reasons so this may be different from the ticker used during the reporting period.

NZ managed funds, as they are unlisted, have been given placeholder tickers that may not be recognisable.


Exchange the investment is listed on at the time of the report being generated. For example, the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX).


Local currency of the investment (for example, USD, AUD, or NZD). The same currency applies to all prices and values in the row unless otherwise specified.

Starting investment dollar value

The investment’s ‘Starting share price’ multiplied by your ‘Starting shareholding’.

Ending investment dollar value

The investment’s ‘Ending share price’ multiplied by your ‘Ending shareholding’.

Starting share price

Share price at market close on the trading day prior to the report period.

Ending share price

Share price at market close on the last trading day of the report period.

Starting shareholding

Number of shares held at market close on the trading day prior to the start of the report period.

Ending shareholding

Number of shares held at market close on the last trading day of the report period.

Dollar value of shares purchased (including the value of transferred shares)

Dollar value spent on purchasing shares during the report period, excluding fees. This does not include shares received through corporate actions.

If you transferred shares into Sharesies during the report period, the dollar value of the transferred shares will be included in this number.

Dollar value of shares sold (including the value of transferred shares)

Dollar value received from selling shares and from delistings during the report period, excluding fees.

If the investment sold is considered a US partnership for tax purposes, the 10% withholding tax has been deducted from this number.

If you transferred shares out of Sharesies during the report period, the dollar value of the transferred shares will be included in this number.

Greatest number of shares held

Greatest number of shares held for an investment (at market close) on any given trading day during the report period.

Number of shares purchased

Number of shares bought during the period. This does not include shares acquired through corporate actions or through rights offers.

Number of shares sold

Gross amount of shares sold during the period. This does not include shares disposed of through corporate actions.

Number of shares gained through corporate actions

Shares acquired during the report period that weren’t purchased. For example, shares acquired through a share dividend.

Number of shares disposed of through corporate actions

Shares disposed of during the report period that weren’t sold. For example, shares disposed of through a delisting or merger.

Dividends and distributions

Sum of the pre-tax distributions with a payment date during the report period. This includes dividends, return of capitals, and other cash distributions.

Transaction fees

The transaction fees you pay when buying and selling shares through Shareises. This does not include foreign exchange fees, share transfer fees, and monthly plan fees.

Potential additional corporate action impact

If the report notes ‘True’, a merger, acquisition, demerger, rights offer, or share dividend may have affected this investment during the report period. If the report notes ‘False’, a merger, acquisition, demerger, rights offer, or share dividend is unlikely to have affected the investment during the report period.

Split or consolidation share holding adjustment

If a share split occurred, this number will be positive, and show the number of shares your shareholding increased by.

If a share consolidation occurred, this number will be negative, and show the number of shares your shareholding decreased by.

NZ withholding tax (NZD)

Sum of tax withheld and paid to Inland Revenue. This does not include tax withheld and paid on dividends received through a dividend reinvestment plan.

US withholding tax (USD)

Sum of tax withheld and paid to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If the investment is considered a US partnership for tax purposes, the 10% withholding tax that is paid to the IRS has not been included in this report value.

AU withholding tax (AUD)

Sum of tax withheld and paid to the Australian Taxation Office.

Foreign withholding tax (USD)

Sum of tax withheld and paid to foreign tax authorities.

Imputation credits (NZD)

Dollar value of tax credits used to offset tax paid to Inland Revenue.

ADR depositary fees (USD)

Dollar value spent on depositary fees for American depositary receipt (ADR) investments during the report period. Depositary fees are charged by the depositary bank that issued the ADR, not Sharesies.

FDR - 5% * Opening market value

The investment’s ‘Starting investment dollar value’ multiplied by 5%.

FDR - Peak holding method

The difference between ‘Greatest number of shares held’ and the greater of ‘Ending shareholding’ and ‘Starting shareholding’. This difference is then divided by the ‘average cost’.

Where ‘average cost’ is ‘Dollar value of shares purchased’ divided by ‘Number of shares purchased’

Includes a condition which states that shares in the investment must be bought and sold within the period for the calculation to return a value

FDR - Actual gain

‘Dollar value of shares sold’ minus (‘average cost’ multiplied by ‘Number of shares sold’

Where ‘average cost’ is ‘Dollar value of shares purchased’ divided by ‘Number of shares purchased’

Includes a condition which states that shares in the investment must be bought and sold within the period for the calculation to return a value

FDR - Quick sale adjustment

The lesser of ‘FDR - Peak holding method’ and ‘FDR - Actual gain’

Includes a condition which states that shares in the investment must be bought and sold within the period for the calculation to return a value

FDR - FIF Income

Sum of ‘FDR - 5% * Opening market value’ and ‘FDR - Quick sale adjustment’

CV - Gains

Sum of ‘Dollar value of shares sold’, ‘Gross dividends and distributions’, ‘US Withholding tax’, ‘AU Withholding tax’ and ‘Foreign Withholding tax’

CV - Costs

Sum of ‘Dollar value of shares purchased’, ‘Transaction fees’ and ‘ADR depositary fees’

CV - FIF Income

(Sum of ‘Ending investment dollar value’ and ‘CV - gains’)


(Sum of ‘Starting investment dollar value’ and costs)

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