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Device, Browser Support & Guidance

What browsers work with sheepCRM and important info on devices.

James Scholes avatar
Written by James Scholes
Updated over 7 months ago

Device Types

sheepCRM Alpine is supported across multiple device types;

  • Desktop computers

  • Tablets / large hand held devices - in Landscape mode only.

  • Mobile phones - Not supported but larger phones in landscape mode will operate as tablets do.

Browser Support

To provide the best possible experience Sheep is tested in all modern desktop browsers and also iOS and Android. Please make sure you are using an up-to-date browser. 

Most moderns browsers automatically update every few weeks with no user interaction. However we are aware that some organisations may prefer a more controlled update program. If you wish us to test a specific version

Minimum browser support:

Edge browser icon

Edge 79 (Jan 2020)*

Chrome browser icon

Chrome 72 (Jan 2019)**

Firefox browser icon

Firefox 65 (Jan 2019)

Safari browser icon

Safari 13 (Sept 2019)†

Opera browser icon

Opera 62 (Jun 2019)

Apple logo

iOS 12 (Chrome & Safari) (Sep 2018)††

Not sure what browser you are using? Try this helpful page

* In January 2020 Microsoft released a completely new Edge browser across all supported versions of Windows. The previous version bundled with Windows 10 is no longer receiving security updates and should not be used.

** This applies to both desktop and mobile Chrome browsers.

† Safari 13 runs on MacOS 10.13 High Sierra and above. Earlier versions of MacOS are no longer receiving security updates from Apple.

†† iOS 12 runs on iPhone 5S and newer, iPad Mini 2, iPad Air and newer.

Device Guidance

This section is updated when information is identified via our testing or items reported by customers are useful to share.

Operating Software - It is strongly recommended that you only use devices which have their operating systems updated to versions which are fully supported (bugs and security) by your provider.

Specific Device Information

📱Amazon Fire Tablets - The toolbar on these devices will cover part of the browser and therefore will hide some buttons on sheepCRM which you may need. It is understood that this tool bar can be controlled in the device Toolbox so that it can be hidden unless required and then does not affect your use of sheepCRM.

Please refer to your device instructions (Amazon website reference) for further guidance.

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