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Latest Version, sheepCRM Alpine
Help articles, guides and FAQs relating to latest version of sheepCRM: Alpine (green)
Contacts: Finding or adding a new contact
Sending SMS messages with sheepCRM
Contacts: Summary Information
Contacts: Profile & Communication Information
Contacts: Vehicles / Boats ownership
Contacts: Health Information and emergency contacts
Contacts: Connections
Contacts: Membership>Summary - plans and information
Contacts: Finance>Payments, Mandates and Subscriptions
Contacts: Privacy and GDPR consent
Contacts: Evidence and qualifications
Contacts: Notes and reminders
Contacts: Tasks regarding the contact
Contacts: Messages Sent to Contact
Contacts: Events, Courses and Payments
Contacts: In-progress and completed Achievements
Contacts: Flow>Applications
Contacts: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Contacts: Documents and uploads
Contacts: Admin> Record Data (Metadata and Duplicates)
Deceased Contacts
How do I add an Interest, Tag and or a Badge to a Contact record?
Settings: sheepApp membership options
Settings: Finance
Settings: Pages
Settings: Organisation Info & Brand
Settings: Managing Achievements
Settings: News Pages
Settings: Users
Settings: Comms & Flow>Templates (email / SMS / Letters etc)
Settings: Document Pages
Settings: Membership defaults & options
Settings: Configuring integrations with sheepCRM
Settings: Automated-Actions
Settings: Index Pages
Settings: Email configuration
Settings: Contact defaults & options
BCC Email Drop Box
Communications: Lifecycle Email Triggers Explained
Email template tips and tricks
Settings: Courses
Settings: Segments > Creating segments
Settings: Email Sender
Discourse Single Sign On
Events: Configuring an Event
Events - How to extend a repeating series
Events: Box Office
Settings: Ticket Types
Settings: sheepEvents > Inline Event Questions (sheepApp)
Settings: sheepEvents > Follow-On Forms (sheepApp)
Events: Pay for an Event by sheepCRM Invoice
Events: Box Office FAQ's
Events: Calendar
sheepEvents: E-tickets
Reports: Finance
Usage and Action Required reports
Reports: Viewing and filtering your data
Reports: Giving
Reports: Communications
Reports: People
Reports: Usage
Reports: Membership
Reports: Events
Reports: Forms
Reports: Spaces
Reports: Finance>Payment Summary (multi-currency)
Reports: Finance>Payment Summary
Reports: Finance>Payment List
Reports: Finance>Deferred Revenue
Reports: Finance>All Invoices
Reports: Finance>Unpaid Invoices
Reports: Finance>Partner Pay-outs
Reports: Finance>Payment Plans
Reports: Finance>Fundraising/Gift Aid/Donations/HMRC export
Reports: Membership>Membership Summary
Reports: Membership> Membership Revenue (accrual)
Reports: Membership> Members Leaving
Reports: Membership> New Members
Reports: Membership> Pending Members
Reports: Membership> Membership Payment Plan Anomalies
Reports: Membership> Members Renewing
Reports: Membership> Unpaid Active Memberships