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sheepSpaces: Reservations

Viewing and managing your sheepSpaces reservations from within Alpine.

Tom Byrom avatar
Written by Tom Byrom
Updated over 3 months ago

How to add a new reservation?

To add a new reservation you can click the + button in the main menu to bring up the add resource menu. From there and similar to how you would add a person or an event you can now add a reservation.

Upon clicking 'Add reservation' a 'New Reservation Record' modal will open where you can fill out the core details of the reservation.

Venue / Space
Existing venues can be selected as long as one or more exist in settings.

Start and end date


Provide the contact record of the person making the reservation. Not mandatory.

The amount paid if applicable.

How do I view reservations in Alpine?

Viewing reservations on a Contact Record

To view a reservation on a contact record go to the contact and on the left click Events > Reservations. From here you will be abel to see any past, present of future reservations for that contact.

How to edit a reservation on a contact record?

You can edit reservations on a contact record by pressing the action button and selecting edit, cancel or delete to make changes as required.

Viewing reservations using segments

We've made it easy for you to see your reservations in one place by creating some automatic segments to view and manage them.

We have included the following but you can easily jump between them using the navigation and buttons inside of each.

Current Reservations (Current day)

Future Reservations

Reservations (All)

Once inside one of the segments, you can easily see the important data for each reservation quickly and easily.

You can perform some bulk actions such as email, if reservations have a buyer with a valid email address on the other hand Exporting to Excel requires a fieldset to be added first. Please get in touch with us if this is needed so we can help set it up

Viewing reservations via the Reservations Calendar (Beta)

Currently, the Reservations Calendar is only available to those with our sheepEvents module turned on well as it relies having access to the Events main menu item.

Once you click Events in the main menu you can then select the 'View Reservations' button in the second menu to be taken to the calendar view.

Once you are in the calendar it will default to the monthly view, alternatively, you can select the day view or yearly view from the dropdown on the top left of the calendar.

On the top right of the calendar, you have basic controls for switching between months/days/year depending on your current view. With a quick button to take you to today's date.

Reservations are coloured with blocked colour when it spans over more than one day, otherwise it will appear as a single item on any given day

You can view the details of any give reservation without leaving the calendat view by clicking on one of the calendar items to bring a small popup and then you can press 'View Reservation Details' to bring up a side panel to view the full details of that reservation. From the sidepanel you can perform actions such as Edit, Cancel and Delete. You can also view the buyer by clicking on the buyer tab on the left.

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