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Adding a user, managing permissions and users.
Adding a user, managing permissions and users.

How to add a team member to your Sheep account and set their permissions. How to remove or change a user details.

James Webster avatar
Written by James Webster
Updated over 11 months ago

pre-requisite: you will need admin permissions to add a new user

To add a new user to Sheep:

  1. from the dashboard or homepage click 'settings' from the left hand menu (if you can't see a settings link then you have insufficient permissions)

  2. select 'User Permissions' from the right hand menu

  3. Use the 'New user' form to create a user. Enter first name, last name and email address.

  4. If you want the user to get an email invite tick the 'Send Email' check box. (If you don't tick the box you will need to let the user know that an account has been created)

Setting permissions

The user account will be created with 'basic' permissions.

  1. Pick the user from the list of users on the 'User Permission' page

  2. Use the checkboxes to add or remove permissions

The control that the user levels allow will depend on your configuration:

  • basic: basic read access with limited write access

  • editor: wider read & write permissions than basic

  • staff: usually has full read & write access to all records but can't change database settings

  • admin: can modify database settings

Special [Limited] User Accounts

The purpose of the Sheep management app is to share information across your organisation (within certain limits). However you may also have users that shouldn't or who don't need access to all your data. We can offer a number of special user accounts: 

  • Duty User - Use for members of staff and volunteers that only need to see their own rota.

  • Front of House - Use for receptions / admin roles where the user needs access to the calendar but not the contact database

  • Team Leader - Use to give control of teams/groups. Users can manage the group and have limited access to the personal details of the members of the group.

These limited accounts should not have any of the standard user permissions (e.g. basic) unless the intention is also to grant those additional permissions.

Clarification of User Permissions for technical users/developers

Sheep uses a RESTful model to assign read/write access to various resources. A brief summary of different user permissions for most resources is below:
Admin: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE on all records, including restricted types (e.g. Health , Equality, Payment Plans, Bank Details, Direct Debit Mandates, Journals) and all Settings
Staff: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE on all records apart from restricted types, but including Health, Mandates and Journals. Access to most Settings
Editor: GET on most primary records. No access to restricted types. No access to settings
GET Events.
GET, PUT, POST for Contacts
Basic: GET Contacts, Events

Changing a users details or removing a user

To remove a user. Click on the user and press delete. Please note that removing a user does not remove any data that was associated with that user so no data will be lost in this process.

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