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Issues & problems

Reported problems, known issues and recent fixes

James Webster avatar
Written by James Webster
Updated over 4 months ago

How do I view a list of current issues with system access and performance?

See our public status page for uptime, performance, incidents, planned maintenance, and third-party availability.

If you are experiencing a technical issue, please check if it's already recently reported on the link above. If it's not listed please report it to us via the chat function or by emailing Please explain where you encountered it, what happened, and what you expected to assist us to resolve your issue as soon as possible.

On this page you can subscribe to updates on specific incidents.

πŸ“† Before May 1st, 2023 issues and problems were logged in this article below, these are considered an archive.

πŸƒ performance improvement
🐌 performance problem
πŸ› bug
🚩 issue

⚠️ notification of upcoming change

Wednesday, May 3rd

Type: ⚠️

Summary: Password complexity increase.

Details: Our regular independent security audit has recommended we increase the complexity level required in CRM user account passwords. We know how tedious enforced password changes are but we take security recommendations very seriously.

The vast majority of users have very secure passwords and no action will be needed. Any CRM users with passwords which will need changing can be seen in the action-required report. Users with insecure passwords will be unable to login from May 3rd and will need to reset their password. (Note: we don’t have access to your passwords, the authentication process evaluates password complexity automatically when users login)

Status: Scheduled

Thursday, April 27th 14:30

Type: 🐌

Summary: Possible delay or restricted access to sheepCRM

Details: We have been alerted to some potential interruption in system availability. This may affect some users.

Status: Resolved April 27th 14:32

Wednesday, April 26th

Type: ⚠️

Summary: SSL TLS 1.1 deprecation

Details: Our regular independent security audit has recommended that due to inherent security limitations in the TLS 1.1 security standard we force SSL TLS 1.2 connections across our platform. We do not anticipate any issues with supported browsers but if you or your users are unable to access any part of the platform after this change please inform us.

Status: Completed

Tuesday, March 14th - 09:12am GMT

Type: 🐌

Summary: Some users have reported access being restricted.

Status: Resolution implemented but actively monitoring.

Monday, February 13th - 09:52am GMT

Type: 🐌

Summary: Some users may experience slowness or access being restricted.

Status: Resolved 09:54am GMT

Tuesday, January 31st - 9 am GMT

Type: 🚩

Summary: An issue with search results for V1 (Theme 5/Blue Sheep) users. The issue was caused by new consent data causing errors in the data warehouse build. (Search (v1) uses the data warehouse). The result was that most people records weren't included in the directory. Fresh directory builds are including the people records back in the directory and therefore the search.

Status: cause identified; 9.24, testing patch, 9.30 resolved/resolving with directory rebuilds.

Tuesday, January 10th - 11:27am GMT

Type: 🐌

Summary: Some users report slow performance and are unable to access parts of the system.

Status: Issue identified and resolution in progress, full resolution expected before 12noon.

Status: Resolved by an emergency upgrade of DB hardware - 12pm GMT

Thursday Jan 5th - 4:30pm GMT

Type: 🚩

Summary: An issue with Alpine causing contacts and resources to display an error page with "Failed to fetch" was reported and investigated. The issue has now been rectified.

Status: Resolved 5:55 pm GMT

Wednesday, Jan 4th - from 7-11 pm GMT

Type: ⚠️

Summary: Database upgrade

Impact: zero downtime is planned but unexpected problems may lead to some or all of the system being unavailable during this period

Status: Completed 9pm

Wednesday, December 7th - 15:04:11 GMT

Type: 🐌

Summary: Some users report slow performance and are unable to access parts of the system.

Status: Closed.

Tuesday, November 29th - 09:11 am GMT

Type: 🐌

Summary: The system is showing as unavailable for some customers and users.

Status: Resolved 09:25 and monitoring.

Tuesday, October 25th - 12:05 am GMT

Type: 🚩

Summary: Alpine contact names not appearing in some segment lists (remaining data is showing).

Status: Resolved.

Tuesday, October 11th - 11:05 am GMT

Type: 🚩

Summary: Alpine contact data not available

Status: Resolved 11.15am

Wednesday, September 21st - 09:05 am GMT

Type: 🚩

Summary: Some customers have reported system is unavailable.

Status: Resolved 09.08am

Wednesday, September 15th - 08:55 am GMT

Type: 🚩

Summary: Some customers have reported search not returning any results.

Status: Resolved 9:10am.

Wednesday, September 14th - 11:30 am GMT

Type: πŸ›

Summary: A bug in the database lookups in forms caused no results to be returned

Status: Resolved 12.10pm

Monday, August 15th - 10:30 am GMT

Type: 🚩

Summary: Some users reporting being unable to access sheepCRM and sheepApp.

Status: Resolved 10:33am. We will continue to monitor.

Thursday, August 11th - 11:30 am GMT

Type: 🐌
​Summary: Some customers are reporting that they are unable to access the system or experiencing slowdown.

Status: Resolved 11:42am. We will continue to monitor.

Monday, August 8th - 10:45 am GMT

Type: 🚩

Summary: Some users reporting being unable to access sheepCRM and sheepApp.

Status: Resolved 10:50am. We will continue to monitor.

Tuesday, June 7th - from 7-11 pm BST

Type: ⚠️

Summary: Database maintenance

Impact: zero downtime is planned but unexpected problems may lead to some or all of the system being unavailable during this period.

Status: Completed without issues

​Wednesday, May 25th - 11:15 am GMT

Type: 🚩

Summary: Slow responses from servers causing performance issues. Some users reporting being unable to access sheepCRM and sheepApp.

Status: Resolved 11:40am. We will continue to monitor.
​Thursday, Apr 28th - from 7-11 pm GMT

Type: ⚠️

Summary: Database upgrade

Impact: zero downtime is planned but unexpected problems may lead to some or all of the system being unavailable during this period.

Status: Completed 19.20 without issues

Thursday, Apr 28th 10am

Type: 🐌

Summary: Data warehouse / Directory / Search Indexer not updating

Impact: Search indexes don't reflect the latest data and directories are showing old data.

Status: Resolved 10.20

Wednesday, Apr 20th - from 7-11 pm GMT

Type: ⚠️

Summary: Database upgrade

Impact: zero downtime is planned but unexpected problems may lead to some or all of the system being unavailable during this period.

Status: Completed 19.40 without issues

Tuesday Feb 22nd 4:01pm

Type: 🚩
​Summary: Some users reporting being unable to access sheepCRM and sheepApp.

Status: Resolved 4:20pm. We will continue to monitor.

Tuesday Dec 7th 5:35pm

Type: 🚩
​Summary: AWS issues ( are negatively impacting the API development environment.

Status: Resolved 11.40pm

Tuesday Dec 7th 11:35am

Type: 🚩
​Summary: Slow responses from servers causing performance issues. Some users reporting being unable to access sheepCRM and sheepApp.

Status: Resolved. We will continue to monitor.

Friday Dec 3rd 2:57pm

Type: 🚩
​Summary: Slow responses from servers causing performance issues. Some users reporting being unable to access sheepCRM and sheepApp.

Status: Resolved.

Monday Nov 22th 1:32pm

Type: 🚩
​Summary: System outage, most customers using the v1 API were unable to access Sheep

Status: Resolved 1.51pm

Friday October 15th, 10:30am

Type: 🐌
​Summary: Some customers are unable to access the system or experiencing slowdown.

Status: Resolved, however, the backlog will take while to clear before full speed returns. We will continue to monitor.

Friday Sep 24th 5:00pm

Type: 🚩
​Summary: Some customers are unable to access the system.

Status: Resolved. We will continue to monitor the system.

Wednesday Aug 18th 10:47am

Type: 🚩
​Summary: Some customers are unable to access the system.

Status: Resolved 11:13am.

Wednesday August 4th

Type: 🚩
​Summary: Some customers are having issues syncing events and bookings from eventbrite into sheepCRM

Status: Resolved.

Friday July 30th

Type: 🚩
​Summary: Our database provider updated the version of the hosting s/w. The auto failover wasn't smooth causing 2-3 minutes of downtime

Status: Resolved.

Monday June 7th

Type: 🚩
​Summary: Delay in requesting GoCardless partner payments from early June

Status: Resolved; payments will be taken in June 10th.

Friday June 4th

Type: ⚠️
​Summary: Introducing API throttling.

Status: Reporting high use; throttle will be turned on when high users identified

Wednesday June 2nd 10:35am GMT

Type: 🚩
​Summary: Some customers are reporting errors trying to access the system.

Status: Resolved 10.53 - we will continue to monitor for any further issues.

Tuesday May 4th 12:50pm GMT

Type: 🚩
​Summary: Some customers are reporting errors trying to access the system.

Status: Resolved 13.01.

Monday Mar 22nd 4pm GMT

Type: 🚩
​Summary: Some customers are reporting errors trying to access the system.

Status: Resolved 16.55.

Monday Mar 15th - from 7-11pm GMT

Type: ⚠️

Summary: Database upgrade

Impact: zero downtime planned but unexpected problems may lead to some or all of the system being unavailable during this period

Status: Completed 19.50

Wednesday Mar 10th 16:34 GMT

Type: 🚩

Summary: Database outage; connectivity to databases lost during automated failover from primary to secondary databases.

Status: Resolved 16.40.

​Tuesday Feb 16th 09:10 GMT

Type: 🚩

Summary: Some customers are reporting error trying to access the system.

Status: Resolved.

Tuesday Feb 2nd 09:50 GMT

Type: πŸ›

Summary: Some customers are reporting their members being unable to renew memberships through the self-service app.

Status: Resolved. Issue located and corrected, membership plans have been updated.
​Friday Jan 29th 14:30 GMT

Type: 🐌

Summary: Some customers are getting slow pages, others reporting the error page.

Status: Resolved. One of the servers lost access to the primary database, clients were able to access some read-only pages but updates were failing.

Monday Jan 18th - from 6-7pm GMT

Type: ⚠️

Summary: Changes to permission processing to support future functionality.

Impact: zero downtime, most likely failure: users being unable to perform operations they were previously allowed to perform.

Status: Complete

Wednesday Jan 13th 9:42 GMT

Type: 🐌
​Summary: Some customers are still experiencing the issue reported on Monday Jan 11th. This issue is also impacting sheepCRM and sheepApp users so may be impacting your contacts using self-service as well as internal team members.
​Status: We are continuing our investigations to find the root cause. During this time we have implemented several measures to reduce downtime. Ongoing impact could be possible.

1pm: Issue found and fix implemented
​11pm: Stable, believed to be resolved but will continue to monitor very closely

Status: Resolved

Tuesday Jan 12th 14:10 GMT

Type: 🐌
​Summary: Some customers are still experiencing the issue reported on Monday Jan 11th. This issue is also impacting sheepCRM and sheepApp users so may be impacting your contacts using self-service as well as internal team members.
​Status: We are continuing our investigations to find the root cause. During this time we have implemented several measures to reduce downtime. Ongoing impact could be possible.

Status: Resolved

Monday Jan 11th 11:49 GMT
​Type: 🐌
​Summary: Some customers are reporting unable to access sheepCRM and receiving a message that the system is updating. This is a technical server problem not driven by a system update.

This issue is also impacting sheepCRM and sheepApp users so may be impacting your contacts using self-service as well as internal team members.
​Status: The issue has been partially resolved, but there are ongoing investigations to find the root cause. Ongoing impact could be possible.

8pm: Believed resolved but will continue to monitor very closely

Status: Resolved

Tuesday Jan 5th
​Type: 🐌
​Summary: Slow responses from servers causing performance issues. Some users reporting unable to access sheepCRM.
​Status: Resolved. Apologies to those affected.

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