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Usage and Action Required reports
James Webster avatar
Written by James Webster
Updated over a year ago

The usage reports are probably the most boring of all reports but they can be useful. If you build a habit around checking the action required report you can catch potential problems early.

📢 sheepCRM notices

Behind the scenes sheep is running hundred of background tasks that synchronise and check your data. These background tasks post notices “Bob opened the ’news’ email”, Susan logged in, MailChimp pushed 32 changes. If something isn’t quite as you expect it then checking these reports is a good starting point. Notices are tagged as info, error and action-required when an issue requires a human to review.

⚠️ Action Required Summary

The action required notices are often repetitive so each afternoon a summary notice is created. If you like email reports you may want to use an automated action to send the summary to yourself so that you don’t need to remember to check.

💡 Ideas

If you have ideas or suggestions on other information to include in the background reports please send a note to

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