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Settings: Contact defaults & options

Follow this guide to help configure your options for contact records, such as areas of interest, connection types and default salutations.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over 6 months ago

Your current contact settings can be found in the sheep settings section. Go to and log in to your CRM user account if not already. From the settings section, click on the all settings tab in the navigation and click on contact settings option. This will present a number of panels which are outlined below.


You can set the default greetings to be used for contacts - if they have no specific overriding data - for things such as messages and bulk communications.

Default salutation

The default greeting used by sheepCRM. This will be used for a contact if they have no bespoke salutation in their own record and if sheepCRM does not know the gender.

This feature is now rarely used due to things like the use of pronouns. This field on a contact record is only seen by your internal teams, and will only be used on on message templates sent to contact if you specifically ask for 'salutation' mail merge in the templates.

You can enter 'None' if you do not wish to use this feature and set a different default over ride to sir.

Default female salutation

This greeting is used for a contact if they have no bespoke salutation in their own record, but gender is set to female.


Connections help link contact (and organisation) records together through a number of shared values. These can be added manually or generated automatically is sheepCRM has enough data between two records.

Connection types

When adding a manual connection, you can better define the connection between contacts by selecting a connection type. These can be anything you want, such as different roles in an organisation or a specific relation between two contacts.

To add new connection types, simply click in the field and start typing a value. If the value exists already, the option will appear in a list of suggestions below - if not, there will be an option to 'create' the new value. Click on this, or a matching suggestion to add the value as a connection type.

To remove a connection type, click on the x icon by the value to remove it. Please note that this will not remove the connection type as a value in existing connections, so if you want to remove the connection entirely it needs to be removed from your contacts.

Domain name exclusions

By default, sheepCRM will link contact and organisation records together if they have a shared domain in their email address as this will often allow the linking of contacts within the same organisation. As many contacts will be using common email providers for their email, sheepCRM automatically excludes common domains - such as and

However, there may still be domains that you do not want linked together automatically - in which case, enter each domain as their own row into the field to prevent any future linking of records due to this domain.

Areas of Interests

Areas of interest are a form of tags which you can present to your contacts and members to chose from within their sheepApp account. These options should be services you provide or things relevant to the contact's membership and your organisation - such as Events, Fundraising and Volunteering.

Your contacts can select which ones are of most interest to them, which means that you are able to segment your members, communications etc by these interests in the contact and members directories.

Adding an area of interest

To add new areas of interest, simply click in the field and start typing a value. If the value exists already, the option will appear in a list of suggestions below - if not, there will be an option to 'create' the new value. Click on this, or a matching suggestion to add the value as an area of interest.

Removing areas of interest

To remove an area of interest, click on the x icon by the value to remove it. Please note that this will not remove the area of interest if already selected by your contacts and if you want to remove the area of interest entirely it needs to be removed from your contacts.

Locked & Automatic Tags

Tags are versatile options that allow you to sort and filter your contact records in ways that the standard contact fields may not support. In this part of the settings you can specific which tags can be locked and whether sheepCRM should add tags automatically.

Locked Tags

Locked tags are standard tags that, once added, can not be removed. This can be useful if you wish to ensure specific information is not removed by any of your staff.

To add new locked tags, simply click in the field and start typing a value. If the value exists already, the option will appear in a list of suggestions below - if not, there will be an option to 'create' the new value. Click on this, or a matching suggestion to add the value as a locked tag.

To remove a locked tag, click on the x icon by the value to remove it. Please note that this will not remove the locked tag on any contact records, but will 'unlock' the tag so it can be removed from your contacts.

Disable Automatic Tags?

By default, sheepCRM will automatically add tags to your contact and organisation records based on their actions or metadata. These can be extremely helpful when sorting or managing your records - for example, sheepCRM will add tags to records that have bought tickets, attended events or made donations.

Set this to 'no' if you do not require any automatic tagging of your contact records.

Please note that these automatic tags are locked and cannot be removed from a contact record.

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