How do I Navigate to Forms and Flowboard Settings?
Your current forms and flowboards can be found in the sheep settings section. Go to and log in to your CRM user account if not already. From the settings section, click on the communications & flow tab in the navigation and click on forms or flowboards option, depending on which you wish to manage.
What are Forms?
sheepForms can be used both internally and externally (through sheepApp) to gather additional information from your contacts. These can be completely stand-alone forms, application forms for teams or forms tied to membership requests.
How do I Add a New Form or configure an existing one?
To add a new form, click on the add form button located in the top right of the existing forms list. This will bring up a blank side panel with the following fields:
You can also open this side panel by clicking configure form.
Enter the public-facing name for the form. This will appear on sheepApp as well as used to reference the form in sheepCRM
If needed, add tags to the form to help organise and sort your forms internally.
Short Description
Enter a short sentence describing the form. This will appear on sheepApp.
Enter the full description of form, outlining the reason for the form and the approval process, if applicable.
Enter a short, promotional message that will appear just above the button to start a submission - essentially a call-to-action.
Photo & secondary photos
Upload images to showcase or promote the form. Ideally, these should be landscape and in JPEG format.
Number of Submissions
If applicable, enter a number to limit the number of submissions a contact can make for the same form. If left blank, there is no limit.
How do I add a form section?
Once you have created a form navigate to the form by clicking on it. You will now see the form editor page, from here you can add a new section which will contain all of or a set of questions for that form. You can have as many sections as you need. Sections will be presented in the App in a nicely formated way and can help break up large forms into more manageable chunks.
Also users can easily see if they have completed a section from within the App, form sections and answers are automatically saved when people start a form so they can always come back and finish other sections later on.
From the form section sidepanel, you can set a number of standard and non standard fields.
Enable comments
Enable feedback
Enable Scoring
How do I add questions?
Once you have added a section you can add questions using the add question button from the section side panel. This will open up a modal where you can control the settings for the section.
The types of fields available can be seen below.
Once the Type of question has been selected, complete the Question Text by free typing.
The toggle allows you to then set this as a Required Question or not.
From the dropdown options select your desired Question Visibility:
Applicant questions will be presented as standard.
Internal Only questions will not be presented to the applicant but will be available for review.
Feedback questions are not yet supported.
The Helper Text field can be completed to provide text alongside the question.
Connect to Core field if you wish to link data to the contact record.
Core fields allow the question response to directly update a contact record in sheepCRM.
Select Add to save this question, it will appear below your initial New Section details and the option to add another question is available if desired.
You can re-order your questions by dragging them up and down before you finalise.
You can also edit these if you decide to change them later.
Once you are happy that you have included all questions Save Section and it will appear in your list.
Warning: Do not edit an existing question and rename it to something completely different. Make sure you delete and create a new question. Please also make sure question names are unique as well.
Types of field types available.
Text Inputs:
Single Text Entry - For a short response (a few words) to be completed with text
Text Area - For a larger response (a few sentences) to be completed with text
Large Text Area - For a detailed response (more than a paragraph) to be completed with text
Multiple Text entries (for a list of entries) - for providing several responses with text
File Upload Inputs:
Image Upload - allows a user to upload an image file
Image Upload (profile photo) - same as Image Upload but provides examples of suitable profile photos
Single File Upload - allows a user to upload a document or other file
Multiple File Uploads - allows a user to upload several documents or other files
Multiple Choice Inputs:
Choose from the list - dropdown of the provided choices
Multiple options from the list - dropdown of the provided choices with the ability to select multiple choices
Multiple options as checkboxes - each choice provided is displayed as a checkbox
Yes/No Question - pre-filled dropdown with "Yes" and "No" as the options
Choose from the list via external URL (Advanced) - the dropdown will be filled by the data provided from the external URL
Multiple options from external URL (Advanced) - as above with the ability to select multiple choices
The use of External URLs is an advanced option for Pro Licence users.
If you wish to use external URLs please contact us to ensure your data is in a suitable format.
Multiple Choice Sheep Record Inputs
Choose a record from sheep segment - the dropdown will be filled by the records from the segment selected
Multiple records from sheep segment - as above with the ability to select multiple choices
Multiple records from sheep segment as checkboxes - as above displayed as checkboxes
This is a Pro Licence option. Please contact to ensure your segments are set up correctly.
Formatting and Placeholders
Dividing Line - a horizontal line dividing two questions
Helper text (with no question) - a block of text to provide instructions to the user
How do I Assign Staff to Manage a Form?
Forms can also have custom permissions, allowing you to assign forms to specific members of your staff - stating whether they can edit and/or view.
Both the which users can EDIT this form? and which users can VIEW this form? fields can be set the same way - start entering the name of the user and a list of suggestions will appear beneath, click on the matching record to add them to the form.
Please note that the user must have a corresponding contact record (with matching email addresses) before they will appear in this list.
How do I Edit a Form?
From the existing forms list, scroll down to the desired form and click on the name or the edit icon located to the right of the type to bring up a sidepanel with the current data. For more information on each field, please see the adding a new form topic above.
To edit the forms description, images etc please press configure form in top right once you have selected your form.
How do I Delete a Form?
While we strongly advise not to delete existing forms, if the form is no longer needed it can be deleted. To delete a form, scroll down to the desired form and click on it to bring up a sidepanel with current data and fields that make up the form. Click on the delete option in the bottom right of the sidepanel, confirming the action to completely delete the form.
Please Note: Deleting a form will remove a lot of legacy data with any contacts that previously submitted responses for this form. To avoid this, we advise setting the form to inactive instead of deleting the form entirely.
How do I Add a New Form Application to a Contact?
Form submissions will generally be created by your member themselves through the sheepApp - however you can add new submissions for contacts in sheepCRM by going to their contact sidepanel in their Flow tab.