Settings: Ticket Types

Ticket types are pre-defined tickets that can be re-used between your events using the same name, description, restrictions and cost.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over a week ago

Your current ticket types can be found in the sheep settings section. Go to and log in to your CRM user account if not already. From the settings section, click on the events tab in the navigation and click on the ticket types option to see a list of existing ticket types.

Adding a new ticket type

A new ticket type can be added from the existing ticket types list. Click on the add ticket type button in the top right of the page. This will bring up a blank sidepanel with the following fields:


Enter a public-facing name for the ticket.

Type of ticket

Select from the following options:

  • Concession - a special, discounted ticket for children, seniors, students etc.

  • Donation - for a charity event, where the payment should be seen as a donation

  • Free - for a free event, or for a ticket that requires no payment

  • Full price - the default option, with a standard price for the ticket

Price & Currency

Enter the default price and currency of the ticket.

Attendees per ticket

By default, the buyer is marked as the attendee for the ticket. However, if this value is higher than 1, additional attendees can be added to the ticket. You can also set this number to zero for an "add-on" ticket with no attendee.


Enter a brief public-facing description or summary for the ticket, providing any additional information that buyers should know.


Select the tax rate for the ticket.


If needed, add tags to the ticket type to help organise and sort your ticket types internally.

Member Only?

Set to "yes" if the ticket is only available to active members.

Sort Order

Enter a number to control the order shown in sheepEvents. Lower numbers will appear first.

If no sort order is set, it's assumed to be zero, so if you want one always first, you can set it to a negative number.

Access Code

If applicable, enter a unique code that needs to be entered by buyers before it will be available to them.

Duplicating an ticket type

Existing ticket types can duplicated and used as a base for new types. From the existing ticket types list, scroll down to the desired ticket type and click on the duplicate icon located to the right of the type. This will create a copy of the type in the list which you can then rename and edit as needed.

Editing an existing ticket type

From the existing ticket types list, scroll down to the desired ticket type and click on the name or the edit icon located to the right of the type to bring up a sidepanel with the current data. For more information on each field, please see the adding a new ticket type topic above.

Deleting an exiting ticket type

While we advise not to delete existing ticket types, if the type is no longer needed it can be deleted. To delete a ticket type, scroll down to the desired ticket type and click on it to bring up a sidepanel with fields containing the current data for the type. Click on the delete option in the bottom right of the sidepanel, confirming the action to completely delete the ticket type.

Please note that deleting the ticket type will not remove any tickets that use the ticket type as a base. If you wish to remove a ticket entirely, you will need to remove them from the event(s) using it.

Adding a ticket type to an event

Your ticket types can be added to an event through the event's configuration sidepanel, in the ticket options tab. For more information on adding ticket types to an event, please see this article.

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