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Settings: Document Pages

Document pages can be used to store different types of documents/files which can be accessed by members or non members via the sheepApp.

Tom Byrom avatar
Written by Tom Byrom
Updated over a week ago


What are document pages?

A document page is any type of file - pdf, image, csv etc that you wish to store for retrieval by members or non members through sheepApp. You can also sell documents and set specific pricing for both members and non-members.

When to use document pages?

Common use cases for document pages can be:

βœ”οΈ Magazine archives

βœ”οΈπŸ’³ Paid for documents

βœ”οΈ Guides & Information documents

βœ”οΈ Brand guidelines and assets

βœ”οΈ Monthly newsletters

βœ”οΈ Images

βš™οΈ Creating a document page

1. Go to Settings > Self-service App > Document Pages

2. Click 'Add Document Page' button on the right. This will bring up the side panel.

3. Set the title of your document page. If it belongs to a series of other documents then good practice would be to prefix your title with something that can be followed easily, for example ISSUE 001, ISSUE 002 etc.

4. Set the path (optional) from which your document can be accessed from.

Please note: The path is relative to your sheepApp URL. This means you do not need to put in the full URL of the location you want it to be found in the App

❌ -

βœ”οΈ - document/issue-001/ Note: Make sure to include the trailing / at the end

πŸ’‘ - If you do not set the path then we will automatically create your path at


You can replace document/ in the path for any structure you like such as images/ or newsletters/ this can be especially useful if you have index pages set up for these and keeping different document types separate from each other.

Note: please do not use more than 4 / characters in your path (including the trailing /) or your document may not be discoverable in sheepApp.

βœ”οΈ - document/2023/Jan-item-1/

βœ”οΈ - document/2023/Jan/item-1/

βœ”οΈ - minutes/2023/Jan/item-1/

❌ - documents/minutes/2023/Jan/item-1/ Please also take extra care when using an automatically created path.

5. Select the template (required). Currently, we have just a single template so select 'Standard Document'

6 & 7. Add category and sub-cateogry.
If you are going to set up document category segments then you will want to add a cateogry and optionally a sub-category so you can select them when setting up those segments. You can also just add category and sub-category for your own internal reference.

Please see these other two articles for setting up a master document segment and category and sub-category segments for your documents.

  • Creating a master document index in sheepApp using segments

  • Creating document category and sub-category segments

8. Upload the file (required) you wish to store for retrieval from sheepApp. We currently accept all major file types so you shouldn't have an issue with uploading one for your needs.

9. Upload a thumbnail (optional/recommended) for the file you have uploaded, this is so that we can display a thumbnail of the file from an index page. If you are uploading magazines then a snapshot of the front cover would be a good idea.

​Recommended file type and size for document thumbnails.
- Jpeg or PNG

- 248px (W) x 350px (H) / 496px (W) x 700px (H)

10. Publish date (optional) The document will be viewable from this date. Use this field to prevent a document being seen until a certain date.

11. Document date (optional). The document date field should be used to represent the date the document was produced. e.g. the cover date for a magazine.

12. Archive date (optional). **Please note:** This will not currently hide the document from the front end

13. Content (optional). If you want to add some extra written content to go alongside your file then you can add copy to this field. The field also supports markdown so you can style the content as you need. This goes on the document page in sheepApp.

14. Set your visibility settings (optional)

🟒 Public - If set to yes anyone with a URL to your document can access it even if they are not logged into the App.

πŸ”΄ Public - If set to no anyone with a URL to your document who is not logged in will see a preview with a message saying 'You do not have required access to view this content'

🟒 Member Only - If set to yes only users who are logged in and with an active membership can view your document.

πŸ”΄ Member Only - If set to no any logged-in user even if they don't have a membership can view your document.

15. Set whether or not this is a paid download
There are different options here depending on how you want to offer your documents. They include:

  • Free

  • Paid

  • Paid but free for members only (make sure member only settings is set to no)

  • Paid with member and non member pricing (make sure member only settings is set to no)

If a document is paid for you can select the currency, tax rate and price.

16. Add any tags (optional/recommended) relevant to your document file.

πŸ’‘ Tags are used by other resources in the CRM to create relationships between two things. For example, when creating an index page you can set a condition to only pull in documents with a tag of 'magazine'. This way you can have separate index pages for separate document types.

Please Note: Please create each tag seperately one by one, do not use comma's when creating multiple tags as this will create a single tag combined with multiple tags

17. Activate your document by hitting the active toggle in the top right of the side panel, by default they are active. This way it can be viewed in sheepApp.

πŸŽ‰ That's it! In this example, you have learned how to add and set up a document for retrieval via the sheepApp.

πŸ“– Further Reading - Index Pages

If you want to set up an index page where you can list documents for quick access from the sheepApp please see our guide for setting up index pages here

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