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Settings: Hiring slot definitions

Hiring Slots are periods of time that can be booked for venues in sheepSpaces, supporting multiple venues, restrictions and bespoke pricing.

Joe Jeffries avatar
Written by Joe Jeffries
Updated over a week ago

Your current hiring slot definitions can be found in the sheep settings section. Go to and log in to your CRM user account if not already. From the settings section, click on the spaces tab in the navigation and click on the hiring slot definitions option to view your existing slot definitions.

Adding a new hiring slot definition

Due to the complexity of creating hiring slot definitions, we recommend creating a 'template' hiring slot definition that can be duplicated to quickly create new hiring slot definitions with only minor changes.

To add a new hiring slot definition, click on the add hiring slot definition button located in the top right of the existing slot definitions list. This will bring up a blank sidepanel with the following fields:


Enter a public-facing name for the hiring slot definition.


Start entering in the name of a category and select the matching dropdown to add. This will be used in sheepApp to help group your slots into segments ("Full Day", "Half Day", for example).

List Price & Currency

Enter the standard cost and currency for this slot.


Select the applicable tax rate for this slot.

Days of the week

Check the days of the week (Sunday - Saturday) that this slot should be available on.

Start Time & End Time

Select the times that the slot should start and end. This will be used to work out when the slot can be selected, depending on other reservations and whether clash detection is enabled.


If set to "yes" the slot is marked as reserved and it will not be available for any reservations. This can be used to block out regular times a space is unavailable.

Applicable Venues and times

Select the specific venues which this slot is available for, if left blank the slot will be potentially available to all venues.


Set criteria for whether this slot is available. This can range from requiring an active membership, to users needing specific evidence records before they can use this slot in their reservations.

Restrictions can be added by first clicking on add new restriction, then entering the data field to check (for example: active_membership_uri) and then adding the values that are acceptable (the URIs of valid memberships, in this example).

If you are having trouble creating restrictions, please contact our support team and we'll be happy to help out.

Hide Ineligible Slots

If set to "yes" and the restrictions criteria above are not met, the slot will not appear at all in sheepApp - if set to "no", the slot will still appear in sheepApp, but be unselectable until the criteria is met.

Restriction Text

If not hiding ineligible slots and a user fails to meet the criteria above, add a short message to explain why.

Duplicating an existing hiring slot definition

Existing hiring slot definitions can duplicated and used as a base for new slot definitions. From the existing hiring slot definitions list, scroll down to the desired hiring slot definition and click on the duplicate icon located to the right of the plan. This will create a copy of the slot definition in the list which you can then rename and edit as needed.

Editing an existing hiring slot definition

From the existing slot definitions list, scroll down to the desired slot definition and click on the name or the edit icon located to the right of the type to bring up a sidepanel with the current data. For more information on each field, please see the adding a new hiring slot definition topic above.

Deleting an existing hiring slot definition

While we advise not to delete existing hiring slot definitions, if the slot definition is no longer needed it can be set to inactive or deleted. To delete a hiring slot definition, scroll down to the desired hiring slot definition and click on it to bring up a sidepanel with fields containing the current data for the asset. Click on the delete option in the bottom right of the sidepanel, confirming the action to completely delete the hiring slot definition.

Please note that deleting the hiring slot definition will remove a lot of legacy data with any reservations that used this slot definition when making their booking. To avoid this, we advise setting the hiring slot definition to inactive instead of deleting the slot definition entirely.

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